over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


I would agree, but TBH, even before this last patch she was starting to be noticeably power crept. I suspect she'll have a buff in the future perhaps.



over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


So just wondering, have you ever developed or released video games on the scale of this one? I haven't before, but I do know that with the amount of content that is in the game, every single change effects every single part of the game and this is not as simple as some think. Those balance changes and additions could take as much as 6 months minimum to do. Assuming that they aren't working on other parts of the game.

Balancing older ships takes time. And over time ships get nerfed or buffed depending on those mechanics. Khaba was one of the original DD's back in the day, so me saying she's been "Noticeably power crept" still isn't saying much, considering all the new ships that came after her and adjustments to the game.

Hindenberg is a perfect example of this. She has had a couple buffs over the course of the last year. And NOW IMO she's back in her prime.

So yes, I think buffs will come, when? I do not know, but they will be small changes over time.


over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

So Khaba was one of the original initial DD's released in game, when I say "Khaba was one of the original DD's back in the day," I mean live. You're right she was more a fast light cruiser than DD. I have always been able to perform very well in Khaba and still can today. When I make comments like I do, they are made for the general population. You put a regular server average ship driver in a Khaba they will usually land on their face. Case in point, right now in a Khaba, let you get shot at by a Brindisi, or heck even an Amalfi, you can get one shot. So as a result you need to sit a lill further at range than the average DD. The only thing the Khaba needs is about 1-2kms worth of gun range and she'll be back in competition.

As a DD main, if I am in an Italian cruiser and I see a Khaba I delete them right away.

As for Hinden, I have ALWAYS done well in her, ever since she was released (except W/R, she's one of my anomaly ships that no matter how well I do can't seem to get wins in). However, other cruisers were out performing her on average across the server, this is why she was buffed.

This is not a historical simulator game. This is an arcade game that loosely follows history. And as games go, there is no game out there that doesn't over time have to adjust various mechanics. Because that is what happens in game development.

Understand I don't always agree with the nerfs and buffs that come along, but more often than not, if I see a buff or nerf coming, I jump in that ship to test it out and see if I agree.



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