Done! All collated in one topic.
Pinned to the top.
Done! All collated in one topic.
Pinned to the top.
Please throw me a ping myself and Ahskance a ping when you drop a new one in. We will adjust them when we can.
Hi, Mouse
Like I mentioned before, Ahskance and I have kept a close eye on the thread and the team has taken a look at the descriptions. I haven't responded to each of your assertions because I'd like to avoid a back-and-forth about the meaning of descriptive words, but each of these ships you've posted has been looked at for an assessment.
I don't know where this idea of coming from that somehow we're not actioning anything. I've stated a few times now that Ahskance and I are keeping watch on the info presented here and have escalated it to Ev1n.
This isn't the sort of thing where results come immediately, so I'd appreciate your patience, please.