over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


World of Warships is constantly evolving, with new ships and maps appearing in the game on a regular basis. We also add a lot of other content, such as new technologies intended to boost performance and enhance the quality of the audio and graphics.

In order to maintain that level of productivity, we unfortunately have to cease support for macOS.

The popularity of this operating system (OS) is quite low among our players. Aside from that, this OS has a number of specific features that take a lot of time and effort to manage on the part of our Dev Team. This has a negative impact on game development and hampers our ability to add new content and improvements. Bearing all these factors in mind, we've decided to cease support for macOS.

Support for the macOS operating system will cease with the release of Update 0.10.0. World of Warships will perform as intended on computers running Windows 7 x64 / 8.1 / 10.

We're informing you in advance of these planned changes. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding. We would also like to share a couple of possible options that might allow macOS players to continue enjoying World of Warships:

World of Warships is available via GeForce NOW. For more info, go to https://www.nvidia.com/geforce-now/

Players with macOS can try using Boot Camp to launch the Windows operating system on their device and play World of Warships. For more info, navigate to https://support.apple.com/HT201468. Please note: Boot Camp is not officially supported by Wargaming, and we do not guarantee that World of Warships will run correctly when using it.

over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I'm not sure where you are getting information that we are "losing money" or that we are "hemorrhaging" players but this is not true at all. In fact the exact opposite globally and regionally is occurring.

What we're doing is focusing our efforts toward development and support based around the overall larger community.

The MacOS community for World of Warships is, unfortunately, extremely small comparatively to our overall population.

Furthermore, in order to make World of Warships correctly function on a MAC it takes quite a bit of development resources to maintain. Refocusing on the larger community will allow us to better support that community, functionality and development overall.


over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

If you could see the data we see, you would understand that supporting a platform that is becoming increasingly expensive to support with as small and decreasing a participation compared to the overall community you would understand why we have decided to do this.


over 4 years ago - d_gladkov - Direct link

Hello everyone!

First of all, I want to thank you all for your really great support. You can be sure for 117% that the WoWs wasn't be as good as it is now on MacOS computers. Yeah, in some case still not good as it could be but playable XD

Really! Some of you helped as SO MUCH so we were never be here without you. Special thanks to @awesomeartichokes, @JAKeller, @JohnPRyan, @Barleywine, @fourteenfour, @kishan99, @Dahak22 and many, MANY other members of WoWs MacOS community.

Support of MacOS will be ended in 0.10.0 that will be realeased ay January of 2021, so you have about 3-4 months to find your own way how to continue play WoWs (or not. It is an option too, of course).

I tried play WoWs in GeForce NOW and it was playable enough, but it has it`s own issues (especially with not updating the client on their side after new WoWs update).

But! Whatever you choose WoWs team (Especially I am ^^) still be very thankfull to you for all these 5 years together.

Wish you more interesting challenges and adventures in future!

over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Perhaps reading what I replied to would make you understand what I am saying: "WG is losing money as they continue to hemorrhage players to other games."

This statement is completely untrue. Yes players do come and go, this is normal for ANY and ALL games, but to make a statement that we are "hemorrhaging players" is a complete fallacy. In fact, overall, we have had a significant increase in players over the past 2 years. Also making the statement that we are "losing money" is not true.

As I stated overall, the community is increasing in size on the regular, while the population of MacOS users is very small and declining.

Let me put it in perspective for you. How many pay phones do you see in public anymore? Not too many right? Because phone companies realized that they can make more money and better support their customers by focusing on the mobile market. It wasn't that they were losing money, because the infrastructure and everything was in place, it just made sense for them.

If we saw an increase in MacOS players we would have probably continued to support this platform, unfortunately, we do not.


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