over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Vallejo's main characteristic difference from Worcestor is flatter ballistic shell arcs. While it may not seem like a significant difference on the surface, anyone who plays Worcestor a lot will tell you that "the rainbow" is hard to lead at range due to the long flight times.
Vallejo flattens those arcs a bit to make firing at range more comfortable, along with a few other differences to give it a different play experience from other USN CL's

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Looking at it again, the ballistics are almost identical in terms of speed and flight time to the 203's on the Atago - placing it very high in terms of 152/155mm ballistic family. The almost constantly available spotter plane will put your range out to a point where they will actually have better flight time than any other 150/152/155 in the game, if I'm not mistaken. That makes farming BB's or even cruisers at distance easy.
What you're getting is close-to USN dpm with ballistics that are closer to IJN / Russian on an American cruiser. That gets coupled with excellent AA and decent firing arcs makes for a different gameplay experience than a Seattle or a Wooster

And as always - you are welcome to pick another Steel ship if that's not your cup of tea

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