over 6 years ago - MedvedevTD - Direct link

Content SDK allows modders to alter ship visual models and textures.
Content SDK suggests that master resources for the ship are prepared prior to modding. To do this, you need to:

Main link to our resources
1. Download ModsSDK_ver.zip.

2. Unpack the ZIP file into "ModsSDK.zip" folder.

3. "ModsSDK.zip" folder put into "/res_mods//PnFMods".

4. Open the file "/res_mods//PnFMods/ModsSDKExport/Main.py" with Notepad and in the line contentSdk.extractSources('SuperYamato', 'JSB018_Yamato_1944')

Change 'SuperYamato' to your mod name, and change 'JSB018_Yamato_1944' to the modded ship ID.
5. Save changes and launch the game.
6. After the game is loaded "/res_mods//PnFMods/" will contain a new folder with your mod name (from stage 3), and it will contain all files neccessary for modding.
7. Delete "ModsSDKExport" folder from "/res_mods//PnFMods/".
8. Add to your new mod folder a text file with Main.py name. It should contain API_VERSION = 'API_v1.0'

Of course, you should insert the modded ship ID instead of 'JSB018_Yamato_1944'.
9. Done! Now, your modded textures and models will be shown in the game!

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