over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey Captains,

With the ongoing Summer Sale, what ships have you picked up and why?

The Krasny Krym is a funny ship to play and I say that for a couple of reasons. First off, you got a bunch of guns that you can use AFT on to get their range out to like 16km. Nothing like a Krasny Krym spinning in the back shooting those guns off at max range. The second thing that I find interesting about the Krasny Krym is the ability to swing from side to side and fire your guns.

over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey Ensign_Cthulhu,

The Perth is a ship that I do not have a lot of experience in or have played enough to call myself an expert on it. There is someone on this forum that loves the Perth *looks at fem*. The Perth does have some interesting things going for it: rolling smoke, HE and AP and torpedoes. These are all great tools if utilized correctly to make you a dangerous ship.

over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey VeatherVitch,

Awesome choice, personally I don't have the best of luck in the USN CLs but hopefully you can make her work! The Boise is a great ship and I see a lot of captains like her. Congrats also on getting one of the ships that you were hoping for out of the crates!

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