over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

*head tilt*

The event will be in-game, however coordination has to take place somewhere and there is no means to do it in-game. If you are not a pumpkin, then you will be able to hunt them in standard random battles - in game. Furthermore, official events very very rarely use external means to communicate, Bounty events are to my knowledge the the only official event to utilize discord.

If you don't want to do whats required to participate as a helper, then simply don't be a helper and just enjoy the event :)

Furthermore, no matter how hard I work, I would not be able to control 300 accounts myself. It is not feasible to take staff away from their normal duties to run community. Using community volunteers also allows to give back to the community.

We understand community sentiment on the IT CAs hasn't been the strongest and we will look closer at the line on its full release when more gameplay data is available to collaborate the opinions provided by the community. If the line needs to be adjusted at that time we'll assess as much.
