over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Ragnar is a gunboat. It plays the way that a light cruiser plays more than a destroyer. You have many options on how to play Ragnar, but none of them involve launching torpedoes

Against Destroyers:

Your 25mm deck and hull will shatter HE shells from 90%+ other destroyers. You will outtrade almost any other Destroyer in the game with guns.

Your best concealment is shorter than your radar - that means that, if you are spotted and NOT shooting, you can radar what is spotting you.

You can have 30,000 hp and your heals can push that up to 45k - the highest a DD can have if I'm not mistaken.

You are sluggish and fat - and vulnerable to torpedoes because you have to be bad at SOMEthing

Against Cruisers:

Cruisers with fast ballistics like Russian or German will obliterate you. They pen your armor and can land shots easily. Alexander Nevsky and Venezia are your worst Nightmares.

Your shells can pen 30mm without IFHE and can damage the decks of most cruisers. You can trade with them at long range and use speed-boost to dodge incoming fire, but it's hard

You have no torpedoes, so you will have to retreat if cruisers aggressively push you.

Against Battleships:

Most battleships are free food for you. You can sit at range and just farm them through fires and hits to superstructure. Most BB's cannot reliably hit you if you know how to abuse your forward and backward throttle.

Secondary battleships in range will be very dangerous since you are a big target.

Aggressive BB's are difficult to stop since you have no torpedoes, but this is the same issue that faces cruisers without torpedoes.

Steady, consistent damage and lots of fires is how you handle BB's

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