over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

That does appear to be how it is currently in client.

I am currently inquiring if this is working as intended - please standby.


over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Apologies on the delay on getting back to you;

Yes, I did address it higher up and had to wait until we received the verdict.

If you haven't already seen:


over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Nothing stopping you from selling another ship in your port for the event to re-purchase it later. The interface makes it clear if you are about to spend doubloons.

This as stated in the PSA was a technical limitation of how we decided to proceed with advancing ships time around, for which we are sorry.

We hope in the future to have a better method for going forward but for now, this is the best solution for all players.
