over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey ExploratorOne,

The Symbols of France are currently working as intended. Please make sure to check what tiers you are playing, this will have an impact on what you get for knocking the Symbols of France off =).

Quick hits:

Re-searchable ships and early access ships Tiers V and VI will give you coal.

Re-searchable ships and early access ships Tiers VII through X will give you Republic Tokens.

Premium and Special ships Tiers II through VI will give you coal.

Premium and Special ships Tier VII through X will give you Republic Tokens.

over 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Heyo Guys,

While I'm sure not negative intention is meant by this term, please consider that for those with French Nationality may take offense to the use of the term "frog" as it usually is meant with negative intention.

Please be mindful of national sensitivities in these sort of scenarios to avoid unintentionally using a derogatory term.
