over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

As this was a TK, was it an intentional TK (he aimed at you to purposely torp you) or accidental (he didn't look downrange and just potato'd his torps out? If it was intentional please send the replay to me.

I will say this about the weekend warriors, we all need to understand that the weekends see a higher peak in players during the day. So across the board, there is an increase in the potato farm.

I have said it many times for many instances if you're not changing how you're playing based off of what is going on in-game (meta, what is on the enemy team, how your team is playing, etc) you're doing it wrong. I am not trying to say you didn't or don't do this but just reiterating.

I do agree however, the weekends can be trying, but this is why there are other games to take a break on :) Or in my case, walking the dog or doing those darn dishes I prefer to ignore....



over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I wasn't suggesting NOT playing our game, taking a break sometimes is important, however.

I would NEVER want someone to just keep pushing through a negative experience and not enjoy their gameplay because I want you to chain yourself to the computer...

Also, there is nothing wrong with suggesting taking a break, I do it all the time when I see someone raging here in the forums, or in-game, because quite frankly if a player is getting so angry they are raging, then a break is warranted, as this is a GAME.


over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Well, if people are worried about stat bashing, stats can be disabled and no one will be able to see your stats. This is why the option is there. If someone is playing not as intended in ANY game, players are going to get upset. This does not change my advice, which is, if someone is having a bad time, perhaps it's time to take a break, go do something else and come back later.

There is no reason for a GAME to upset people to the point of rage.


over 4 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

I will float the idea of this as part of registration, the selection to opt-in or opt-out. Not a terrible idea.

WG has evolved in a lot of ways and continues to do so. We make mistakes, and we try to learn from them, that is just part of being human. Despite any past transgressions, or hell, future mistakes, none of it is done with malicious intent. I am sorry if that is the conclusion that has been arrived at by you or others.

over 4 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

You are 100% right, talk is cheap. I appreciate the advice!

On a side note, I'd love to jump in Discord and get more thoughts and feedback from you. We can play a few matches if you'd like, feel free to add me on Discord, or send me a DM and we can coordinate that way.

over 4 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

I really appreciate your investment in the game despite not playing it. If you wouldn't mind sending me a DM with the things you're most concerned with. Of course, you're welcome to start a new thread if you'd prefer. I don't want to go too far off-topic from the OP here.

over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Well, the thing is, as long as I've played (Since the second week of Alpha Testing) weekends or holidays have always been rough periods. There really hasn't been a serious increase in this.

Because more people have more time to play, so server pops increase. And contrary to what some are saying our overall population is NOT dropping.

And I have always had the same advice for every community or clan that I have been a part of and now this one. And I even told @LadyAnesjka, When things get rough, take a break, go do something else for a lill while and then come back and play some more.

There are so many options to chillax with instead of slugging through an awful experience.



over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

If a player is AFK for most the match and then wakes up near the end of the battle and doesn't participate really, submit a ticket with the replay. I see a lot of those replayed on a daily basis and trust me, the action is taken.

If you're unsure about if someone is breaking our EULA or not, send ME the replay and I'll view it and let you know.



over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I totally get it, and also don't understand why people would do this.

It's like did they hit the battle button and then go make a sandwich or something?

The key to this is consistency, not necessarily on the player that is going AFK or causing the infractions, but in our community. If enough players regularly report that infractions and send in tickets with replays and such and there ACTUALLY IS an infraction. That player will go away eventually.
