over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I am locking this thread.

The San Diego had balance changes applied to it based off performance and feedback from our testers. To be clear - she was overperforming. Not even a little bit. A considerable amount. I'm sure you will hear many stories when the ship comes off of NDA. Unfortunately the CC's and testers are not able to comment until that time is up, but I have more leeway to clarify why these changes were made.

It is perfectly fine to have an opinion about upcoming changes. It is not alright to blatantly misrepresent something. You assert that SD is worse at combating DD's and compare it to 4 other ships based on DPM alone, not factoring in ballistics, range, flight times, or penetration values. For someone that people look up to, this is an egregious oversight bordering on misinformation and misuse of trust. You've stated multiple times in multiple threads that you don't like how we are doing the San Diego and it is perfectly fine to do that, but it is not alright to sensationalize this as somehow being underpowered because it does not fit a preferred flavor.
Further, I encourage all of you to look into the ballistics of the ships compared here - because it matters.