almost 5 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

While I appreciate your thoughts on this, I feel like the original question here is a bit ambiguous - gameplay is different at different levels, that is known. Tier X battles will play exponentially different than a Tier IV battle. As far as your statement regarding 'balance' vs 'new products' -- the teams that perform these roles are different, so adding new products does not detract from balancing, or QAing products.

My question to you, @WM1957 is what do you define as 'best gameplay'. That will help with directing you towards the tier that would match your playstyle.

almost 5 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


Just my 2 credits on the matter. If you're looking for more competitive play in the long run, the higher tier 8-10 might want to be your focus as many of our competitive game modes (not all of them) are at those tiers.

If you're looking to just have fun, I mean... ALL tiers? Personally I like playing tier 5-9 depending on the class of ship I want to play.

As a DD main, ALL tiers to me are fun though...

