over 5 years ago - Ryuu_kun - Direct link

Yes, it's eternal once you unlock it.

over 5 years ago - Ryuu_kun - Direct link

Where did you get 30%? It doesn't have 20% credit bonus.

(and trades 100% XP for 50% XP and 50% Commander XP, but that's pretty much nothing)

Don't forget there's no permacamo bundled with Yamato, so for a free item it is surely worth using, not everyone has spare 5000 doubloons.

over 5 years ago - Ryuu_kun - Direct link

Approximating 20 to 30 feels weird :)

Wrong. 100 battle XP = 100 ship xp, 100 cmdr xp, 5 FreeXP

So Yamato with standard permacamo = 200 ship xp, 200 commander xp, 20 FreeXP

With free HSF camo = 150 ship XP, still 200 commander XP, 15 FreeXP

Individual XP on tier 10 ship is pretty much almost useless anyway. But yeah, it also loses a small bit of FreeXP.

That's true. We might have more customization options in the future. For now HSF camo for Yamato is valuable for

1) collectors

2) HSF fans

3) those without regular permacamo

over 5 years ago - Ryuu_kun - Direct link

I'm afraid not :( The collection doesn't grant them.