over 3 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

PTS notes HERE


Please leave feedback below!

If you have any bugs to report, you can submit them here after the patch goes live.


over 3 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

The slow download is because the PTS client is maintained on the other side of the planet. Also, remember prime time is from about 11am (rt now) until about 2-3pm central time, this could be slowing your download as well.

I have however, forwarded this up, not sure if there is a lot we can do. Typically I try to tell people if possible start a download of any game (not just ours) before you go to bed, because nowadays, game clients are pretty big.

Sorry for the inconvenience


over 3 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Hmmmm..... literally no download? Possible to get a screenshot of your WGC while its trying?


over 3 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Weird..... Think you can run a WGCheck with "Extended Network Diagnostic" checked? And then submit that in a ticket. We'll be able to see if there is connectivity issues or not with that.


over 3 years ago - Mademoisail - Direct link

PT 0.10.6 PT. 2

You can read about the changes by following the link: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/public-test/public-test-0106/. Please drop us your feedback on these changes in this thread.

We appreciate y'all!

over 3 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


Thank you for all your feedback.

As for the rewards of community tokens, as we have stated quite often the rewards for PTS do not get dropped onto your main account until the PTS sessions are over (typically a week or so). Some of the bugs you have reported belong in the Bug Report section btw.


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