about 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Heyo Grimmortals,

We have no made any major changes in the way EXP/Credits gets rewarded to ships for actions in a considerable time. Therefore, at least from our end we cannot correlate that to the way in which DDs are choosing to conduct their gameplay. In the last year or two we have seen an increase in ships with the ability to hamper DDs from preforming these functions (yes, I'm talking about Radar) but have consequently balanced this with changes made to Radar (6 second delay for enemy spotting). There is EXP/Credits rewarded for capturing and defending caps:

Full Capture:

EXP = 2/3rd of killing a ship

Credits = 1/3rd of killing a ship

Shared Capture/Defense:

EXP = % of capture/defense X 2/3rd of killing a ship

Credits = % of capture/defense X 1/3rd of killing a ship

While it is hard to force another player to play the game you expect it to be played based on class rolls, you do have the ability to play with friends in a division to ensure a better chance of having capable support in your DD actions.

In your last point, 50k dmg to a BB should equal 10k dmg to a DD, this in fact is the case, however it is based on %s rather than strict damage numbers.

For example, a 105,800 HP GK and a 19,400 HP Gearing.

Doing 50k dmg to the GK would be 47% of its total HP

47% of the total HP of the Gearing is 9,118 DMG5

50k DMG on the GK equals the same reward as doing 9,118 DMG to a Gearing

There is a great How it Works video on the matter if you have further curiosities on how this works:


about 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Heyo Merc,

I will agree, the nature of DD play has adapted since the rework, however the core mechanics of how EXP is earned by players which is what OP states they feel has changed, has not - which is more what I was addressing. While some things have changed negatively for the destroyer, there has also been positives with the change of the rework beneficial to the DD:

Considerably less "First Blood / Dev Strikes" on DDs at the start of the game.

Planes no longer have the ability to spot torpedoes.

CVs no longer able to provide map wide spotting at once (Remember CVs spotting all three caps at once?).

While it can be frustrating for the DD player to be spotted by the CV please consider this in reverse:

To maintain spotting on a DD the CV player has to sacrifice a limited defensive consumable for his team

Depending on the DD positioning, the CV player may have to travel away from his intended target's path to drop off the plane.

The dropped plane will only (at max) last ~1 minute before departing, less if shot down.

The CV player has to consider the trade off in perusing a DD in relation to other actions they could be taking.

One major change from pre 8.0 through to now, is that the impact of CVs is more noticeable due to the improved numbers of games. From experience, I feel like I was considerably more "deadly" towards DDs in the RTS CV modes, however since there was far fewer CV players, this was not as noticeable. Nowadays, with a healthier CV population, while their direct impact on a game itself is not as significant, since they are present in more games, their impact is more visible.

In regards to how to counter-play a CV in a DD, you have the foundation of a great tactic, using allies for AA is a good start. This can be extended into using terrain in caps, while you may be detected, if the enemy can't shoot you it doesn't always matter if you're visible. DD play has changed with the reworked CVs, but the ability to adapt, overcome, and succeed is still there if you approach the game with CV strengths and weaknesses in mind.

Heyo BadWolfz,

The How it works video above gives this breakdown at about 3 minutes in. In total it makes up about 15% of the exp earned in a battle and depending on ship class each will have different "earning" rates.
