over 3 years ago - WoWsNewsBot - Direct link

See the latest community events and check the launch calendar to see which ship launched on your birthday. Read it on the portal

over 3 years ago - KARMAT1KA - Direct link

Unfortunately, we can't announce patch cycles until they are publicly posted, and at this time they are not publicly posted, but if there is anything else that you would find useful for this calendar please let us know.

about 3 years ago - KARMAT1KA - Direct link

Hey Captains! Just wanted to bump this, since a lot of events have been added to the calendar since we first launched it.

We've seen your feedback and are trying to figure out some ways of experimenting with this calendar to make it more useful for you. I know when it first launches it seems empty with just the streams and that's usually because we're not able to announce other events that we have planned at the very beginning of the month when this releases, but we've been actively adding to them throughout the month.

Hoping to be able to find a solution to be able to make this more useful to you guys, within the limitations of when we're allowed to officially announce activities and events planned for NA.

about 3 years ago - KARMAT1KA - Direct link

Obviously, if you've been around long enough you can guess when the next patch cycle will go live, but we cannot publicly announce them until they've been officially released through a dedicated article or via Dev Blog. While I would love to be able to publish a calendar that had every single thing planned for the month from the get-go, it's just not that simple. A lot of times we have the plans lined up but have to wait for the last little bits and pieces or external review and confirmation from third parties before we can get a greenlight. So it's not always a big NDA sekrit, but it's more of a situation of not wanting to make definitive promises until everything is 100% finalized. That also applies to patch cycles. But if you think it's helpful to see when the patch will go live after it's announced that can be something we can experiment with.

As far as the other beats go, it might be a matter of just bumping the calendar when we add new things to it, which will be something we can definitely test next month :)

The NA community calendar is currently located in the following spots

Pinned here on the forums

On the bottom left of the game launcher

Website slider (2/4)

Dedicated portal article on the 1st of each month

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