Join the World of Warships Wiki Team!
The World of Warships English Wiki Team is recruiting!
What is the World of Warships Wiki?
World of Warships Wiki is a large encyclopedia that contains valuable information about basically every aspect of our game. Whether you'd like to know the information about the features of ships of particular nations and types, check their characteristics, learn more about in-game mechanics or economics, get acquainted with a vast and constantly expanding list of activities and content presented in the game - this is just the right place for you!
Examples of useful pages:
What does The World of Warships English Wiki Team do?
The Wiki Team is an independent group of players (wiki editors) who create and maintain the WoWs wiki. This involves:
Evaluating the performance of new ships and writing about it
Recommending ship builds
Researching and writing the history of ships
Tracking changes to ships
Explaining rules and game mechanics
Updating rules and game mechanics when something changes
Reviewing the work of others
Obtaining and inserting relevant images
Patrolling the wiki (an open document) for vandalism and low-quality edits
What is required of a wiki editor?
Above all, the ability to write high-quality English prose. There is no fixed requirement for participation, but an editor is expected to complete a minimum of one article or significant contribution per month.
What are the benefits?
Knowledge that you are helping your fellow players
You get to learn new stuff about the game
Access to test ships for playtest on your main account
A press account for research
‘Volunteer’ flags
A forum tag so people will know how special you are
Reward items, including, for seasoned editors, Alabama VL
An active Discord server where we have a lot of fun just hangin’ with each other
Where’s the application?
Click here.
You will be asked to provide a writing sample. You don’t have to complete the application all at once; a link will be sent to the email address you provide that will let you update or complete it later.
Good luck and fair seas!