almost 5 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


So about 3 updates ago we edited MM so that the tiering is more friendly across the board I posted the note below (NO I am not saying it's perfect, but it's definitely been improved).

A big thing to me in this game that I have always tried to talk to a player about, every battle is different, every tactic should be changing depending on the battle you're in. What do I mean?

You should employ your ship differently depending on what you are fighting against. (IE: CV, No CV, types of ships, specific ships, etc etc)

When I play tier's 5-8 or even 9 my tactics may vary widely depending on what is on the other side.

A VERY simple example, if you're fighting a tier 9 BB and you're in a tier 7 BB you may want to shoot different ammunition (HE vs AP) depending on the enemy's angle.

Just my 2 credits...



We’re introducing strict limitations on the tiers of battles that you can be sent to. For each player, the matchmaker will take into account the number of battles they have played with ships of the same tier as theirs, as well as the number of ships one or two tiers higher.

After a short calibration period that will last up to 20 battles for each battle type and ship tier, the matchmaker will ensure that the percentage of battles with ships of the specified tier does not exceed the set limits. For example, for Tier VIII ships, the limits are expected to be 40% of battles with ships two tiers higher. This means that out of 20 battles you play with Tier VIII ships, a maximum of eight battles will include Tier X ships.

Another advantage of this change is that series of battles will be reliably interrupted, because the matchmaker will analyze the last 20 battles each time. This means that when calibration is done, long series of battles with ships of higher tiers will not occur when repeatedly using a single ship tier."