over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Volunteer Moderators Round 2!

The Official Forums are an important part of the World of Warships community for both us and you as a player.
In order to provide additional support for this critical medium, we want to partner with some of you as moderators!

Those selected for this program will work with our staff regularly to keep our forums constructive and a welcoming environment for everyone. To join us, apply be answering the following questions below!


Active member of the World of Warships Official Forums with at least 100 posts

No moderator actions taken against account in the last 6 months

No major in game infractions

Question 1: Tell us how long you've been playing World of Warships and what your favorite ship is.

Question 2: Why do you want to be a Volunteer Moderator?

Question 3: Have you ever done moderation before? Describe this experience.

Note: Meeting requirements does not guarantee acceptance to program, and volunteers may be removed based on program needs.

Note: This thread is in feedback mode so you'll only see your response.