So all the changes to the all the UUs and the new ones that coming in the future (no I cannot comment until they are publicly announced) have been changed to better balance them.
As we have stated before all the UUs are meant to be utilized to change how you employ and play the DM they are not meant to be a unilateral improvement overall. Right now, it won't necessarily do so. As you can still station like you might normally and play it the same (which is what we see) and throttle jockey and in some cases still stay hidden.
This was the reason for the change. We understand that some of the changes may not be particularly popular to some, but we would rather make them a choice not a requirement, which is pretty much the case right now.
In short, ALL the UUs are meant to change how you might play a ship and not be a standard, but that is not the case for the DM.
A good example is the Republic, main batter reload is reduced but so is your gun range. And it can take the place of a range mod that some might put on her. So it makes you have to push in closer to be effective. This changes how that ship can be employed and is more an option than a requirement.