over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

So normally I wouldn't reply to these topics. But I will this one because there is the reasoning behind what occurred with what you are talking about, the reason was given to the person that you are posting this for.

First, posting "PSA's" with inaccurate information is not a PSA, that is misinformation.

Placing a disclaimer on top of a PSA stating in essence, "this isn't information for this server and could be different" STILL does not help.

I never have a problem with the community posting information that is helpful to the community, assuming it comes from OFFICIAL channels applicable to the NA server. Assuming that information does not break our forum guidelines. This is why I allowed it to go on for as long as I did until I identified a problem.

This information should come from the NA portal or the NA forums from places like this, however: https://forum.worldofwarships.com/forum/303-developers-corner/

Over the course of the last few weeks, we've been receiving customer service reports and I have gotten multiple PM's from players asking questions about the information on these "PSA's" that did not match up with what was going on in the game. So after doing some digging to fix this, I found that the discrepancies were directly related to posts throwing up inaccurate information as they pertained to OTHER servers.

"Why would the information be different Hapa?" Because dates and times for various actions are different for each server, we have events that are run on NA that are not on EU and vice verse.

There is a reason why I tell all of you in the community that you can PM me any time about questions and comments, assuming you're capable of keeping the conversation civil and reasonable.



over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Shush you!


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