almost 4 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

Sorry to hear ya'll are having issues connecting - it sounds like some of you have resolved them. I'll take a look on our side and see if there is anything going on.

almost 4 years ago - Kalvothe - Direct link

I did some checking on my side, and I don't see any indication of a server issue.

Are you getting any specific error messages?

Either way! Please submit a WGCheck to our support team

To generate a WGCheck report:
Open Game Center
Click the small down arrow which is off to the side of the 'PLAY' button.
Once you've saved your WGCheck report visit and create a support ticket, please be sure to attach the WGCheck!

Please let me know if there are any errors.

Thanks for sharing this with us, hopefully, you can get up and set sail soon!


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