Clan Battles Season 17 kicks off during Update 0.11.4. Read it on the portal
So I'm seeing a number of folks here commenting that having Superships in Clan Battles is a sign of "greed" or even "avarice" because it requires people to spend credits on a powerful ship that didn't exist before to stay competitive.
Credits are the easiest resource in the game to acquire. You can earn them quickly by playing mid-tiers or premium ships and credit boosting flags are plentiful. You can sell any extra camos / signals / upgrades / modules / ships that are laying around not being useful for credits. Of all the resources to choose when trying to make a "cash-grab", credits has got to be the worst choice.
I understand that - but the same exact situation has been in this game previously through powerful Steel ships like FDR / Stalingrad / Bourgogne, or powerful Research Bureau ships like Ohio. Only people who have put many hours and lots of effort into the game are able to field those ships that do well in competitive depending on season / format.
Credits are a far more accessible resource than Steel or RB, so while I do see your point that the inclusion of Superships will cause a sort of "bottleneck" for this season, I respectfully feel that this won't be the kind of ceiling that people are making it out to be. The Clan Battle Season format of having 2x Superships has been known for weeks now and people have had ample time to save credits and work towards buying a Supership to have ready for their clan. When I joined a competitive clan in Jan.2020 I had 2x T10's available that didn't work for Clan Battles, so I worked hard and ground out a Moskva so that I would have ships available because that's what I wanted to do.