over 3 years ago - Maredraco - Direct link

Thank you for providing the detailed information. This is very helpful to our investigation. We will investigate it on our side and possibly reach out to them to whitelist that port for us. Sometimes false positives like this can be triggered by bigger patches and things like that. In any case, we will investigate it on our side, for now if it blocks your connection you might need to whitelist on your side. Is anyone else using this same protection and having the same error?

over 3 years ago - Maredraco - Direct link

Whitelisting a port is opening the port to receive data as "trusted" you can read more about it in pages like this: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/how-to-open-firewall-ports-in-windows-10,36451.html

Oh yes, because of the communication overseas for the PTS authentication service I can see that definitely being flagged. Do you use the same protections as the OP?

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