over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey JackG79,

Service cost and the ammunition resupply seem normal. Now where you spent a lot of credits that you chose to is the "consumables auto-resupply". Doing rough math you used premium consumables on all 3 options available to you so automatically you have to cover that many credits.


What camouflage were you running? Did it have any %credit earn on it?

Were you running the Zulu signal flag or any of the economic flags?

As you get into the higher tiers the costs become more and you have to do more to make a profit. You can offset this by running certain signal flags and camouflages. The key is you have to increase the amount you contribute to start earning more credits at higher tiers.

If you don't mind can you send a screenshot of your "credits received" section?

over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey JackG79,

Here is a recent breakdown of a match I played today.

I was playing the Vladivostok in a mainly tier 6-8 game. I did 107k damage (missed some good chances at increasing this number significantly).

As you can see from the screenshot I earned: 304,810 (-7 for team damage, this isn't calculated into earning if I am not mistaken) + modifiers amount 167,651 equals 472,454. We take that number and subtract the "spent" of 130,650 and we get 341,811 profit.

You can also see that I am running some signal flags to help and the employee flag. I am not wearing any camouflage that increases credit earning. What you can see in the comparison is I did do more damage and I am using economic signals so this helped me net a positive in credits.

This is not meant to show that you lost credits but to show how doing decent damage combined with certain flags/camouflages (would be even more if I had on) can help you turn a profit at tier VIII.

So tips:

Again, wear credit earning camouflage.

Use those economic signal flags and Zulu flags to increase earning.

Do your part (damage, caps and everything else) that earns credits.

You do these 3 basic things and you will see credit earning. You can also take off premium consumables but I don't recommend that at higher tiers.