almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I mean - we'd have to change the name as their wouldn't be anything "COOPerative" about it any longer. It would just be "solo" play.

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

This is the real thing. Coop is not meant to be the most challenging game mode so eventually the contest will be against the other humans on your side and a meta will develop around that.
From what I hear it's the fast torpedo DD's that rush in and nuke everything before the big BB's get a real chance to engage.

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I had always understood Coop to be a stepping stone in the learning curve of World of Warships.
First Step: the introductory lessons.
Second Step: Play against bots in cooperation with humans.
Third Step: Play against bots with a scenario objective with other humans. (Operations)
This is all to set you up for-
Fourth Step: Play against humans alongside other humans. (Randoms)
Fifth Step: Play against humans alongside humans with stipulations intended to increase competitiveness. (Ranked / Brawls)
Sixth Step: Play in a hierarchy of competition with humans and against humans that scales in difficulty. (Clan Battles)

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Even in PvE games humans are always still the final boss. It's only a question of, "What metric"?
In the case of Coop, you're competing with humans for your share of the pie.
EDIT: Unironically, this also happens in PvP when divisions of unicums go out and are far more likely to secure a win. They start to get the sense more that they are competing against their own teammates to secure as much of the prize as they can in the form of PR

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Oh I assure you I have a very good idea of it.
I just wanted you all to know how I understand the game's progression to be in reference to why it's called "CO-OP" when it starts to feel like you're in competition with your teammates.

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

PR is not ours. It's a value set up by a third-party site that became kinda the gold standard for competitive players.
It's not ours to get rid of, I'm afraid!

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Honestly I'm not sure. Like I said, Wows-Numbers isn't owned by us, so we don't decide how they determine what PR represents.
Regarding Base XP vs Premium-boosted XP in the client, I am also not sure why the decision was made in this manner, as I believe it's been there since the beginning.

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

How is that?
Other people come up with ranking systems of their own design. If the community gravitates towards it, why should WG try and stop them?
Should I go to every one of these new "Tier List" videos being put out by the community and stop them from saying that Kremlin is C tier?
I think not!

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I don't know who you're talking about by "losing sponsors". We're not a TV show. We don't run advertisements to make our money. We create a product and market it directly to players. We don't have "sponsors" who can pull their advertising money if they don't like who we do or do not allow to come up with measurements.
I think, @SteelRain_Rifleman you are giving us far too much credit in what we control in terms of 3rd-party metrics. If we attempted to have Wows-Numbers shut down for daring to come up with their own standard of what makes a "good player" by applying a color palate, I believe that we would be acting in a terrible and authoritarian manner. We generally leave people alone who want to create content, systems of data, or aggragating sites regarding World of Warships.
If the PR measurement bothers you, I believe WoWs-numbers allows you to hide your profile from being viewed, but that's up to them.
They follow compliance with not aggragating or sharing personal information that is protected by law (as far as I know), so we don't have any issue with them doing hard work for the community

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I'll be locking this now as this topic has gone from a conversation about Co-op and it's purpose to a theory about Gold ammo and a grievance over PR.