over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


Folks, let me say this, reading through the replies:

A: Personal attacks (AS ALWAYS) are not allowed on these forums and should never occur, if it's something you wouldn't be comfortable saying to a loved one, probably better to not say it here.

B: Griefing anyone, whether that is in game or on these forums is also NOT allowed. Admitting to doing it, probably not the best thing to do in a public setting also.

EVERYONE is allowed to have their opinions. And everyone is allowed to play the game how they play the game. Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't mean you should be allowed to make someone else not enjoy the game.

All that being said, keep this post on topic, if you want to have discussions off topic with each other, take it to a PM please.



over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


Just so you know, you're not entirely correct.



over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


I never claimed anything that you're saying above such as anyone in the community as being uneducated nor am I lying. There are things I cannot comment on due to NDA. What I CAN tell you is every single report DOES get looked at, especially if there are multiple from multiple people that are for the same thing.


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