over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Heyo Everyone,

I'd like to offer some clarity points on this matter:

Doubloon Bundles (yes, the topic is about token, but two birds, one reply):

Previously we would hear tales of players spending large sums of money in attempt to get the EA Ships. The random bundle system, allows there to be a definitive cap on how much 1 player has to spend to get all 4 EA ships guaranteed. While 65 purchases will give you a multitude of other goodies in conjunction to the ships, a player is not obligated to purchase them all. If for example, you got all ships in the first 30 bundles, unless you want the additional rewards, you do not have to purchase the additional bundles. Furthermore, we have increased visibility by making it possible to see what is coming in the next crate, with the table of contents also visible, you can ascertain your chances of receiving a ship too - 4/65.

Token Bundles:

Yes, they are unlimited, but these bundles are essentially all free (no $ expenditure). As with almost every EA offering, we've offered players an opportunity to receive a limited amount of free "chances" to get the EA ships. Instead of offering containers via directive completion, we are trialing the use of random bundles instead. The benefit of these bundles is that a player can always see what is coming next in the bundles.

Please remember, with all EA content, it is just that - early. All players will have access to the content in 0.9.1, if you are interested in trialing the upcoming content early then you have ample free opportunity to get the ships, if not, they they will become available as standard in the next update.


over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

I saw it.

Following on from player feedback, we are experimenting with manners of distribution of EA ships. Just because we're doing it this way this time, doesn't mean it won't be adjusted going forward. Thank you for the feedback.

There is always room for improvement, I'm glad you approve of this first step.


over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Even with my WG hat on, my opinion is pretty much the same as with it off.

Theres always been offered a certain amount of opportunity to gain free containers/bundles/etc

Theres always been offered a means for players willing to pay, to get access quicker

The means of which we're offering is different, but still kinda the same - Containers v Random bundles - both still contain a random chance to get the items, but there is a limited number you can get.

In previous EA events, you'd get the containers via Directives.

There is no difference in getting tokens, and then redeeming those tokens for bundles.

Looking at the EA IT CA event for example, you could receive 23 containers from interact.

For the EA RN CA event, you can receive enough tokens to redeem 30 bundles.

I think its a great trialing a guaranteed limit for purchased items, knowing that once X amount is spent you will receive X items, is a great move for visibility.

I also think being able to see what is in the next bundle before purchase is a great step for visibility

This trial will hopefully reduce the amount of "I spent X and didn't get any ships"

When it comes to the request for more items to purchase with tokens initially (just as straight out premium camos, premium etc), I understand why this is. I also think there needs to be understanding that things change and to make progress we have to trial different approaches to see what works best. Just because something works well, doesn't mean that it can't be better.

While in the IT events we did offer camos separately, this time we are testing adding them in with the EA ship themselves to simplify things. Whether this is a beneficial approach? We'll have to test it and see. It has both benefits and negatives.

Ultimately, this is just EA content, and everyone will have access to it in due time - if you're happy to wait, you don't have to pay.

For me, I liken it to paying for better parking. Yes, I could park for free, and eventually get to the venues, or I can pay and get there sooner.


over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

I appreciate that recognition. We all have our strengths and weaknesses tho, I know there are definitely areas I fall short where other employees excel.

There is a lot we can take away from the PR event, and hopefully we will continue to learn these lessons and adapt them into future content and contest designs.

over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


Just want to mirror what @Femennenlystated in her reply. This is dead on. Believe it or not (and perhaps many will not) her and I both surf these forums and reply with mostly our views and opinions (I say mostly because obviously we have to quote what statistics, mechanics and policy we go off of). So though we work for WeeGee, we still both will give you our views if you ask (also assuming we won't break NDA of course).

But also remember that if posts or replies rudder hard over (see what I did there) more than likely we won't be as responsive as you may like.

I was actually replying with an almost duplicate reply as she threw up, but her forum-foo is more black belt level than mine!



over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

WG has not said so explicitly, but that seems likely.

@Femennenly could you verify this for us? If you get a ship in one version of the bundles, is it also blocked out in the other version?

Sure, one moment. Let me find out.


over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

WG has not said so explicitly, but that seems likely.

@Femennenly could you verify this for us? If you get a ship in one version of the bundles, is it also blocked out in the other version?

No, it will not be blocked.

If you receive a duplicate EA ship from redeeming the two types of bundles (Royal and Imperial) you will receive credit compensation.


over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

I learnt a long time ago to never take things the community says personally unless it literally is Fem you are [insert whatever] ;)


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