over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I've actually been knocking this idea around, perhaps it is time.


over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Contrary to your belief, we look at every single post on these forums. So no. It would be easier to compile feedback if it was all centralized.


over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I don't take any disrespect at what you are saying. Let me offer a counter point. The percentage of players that utilize the forums is in the single digits to the overall size of our server player base. But the comments of "everyone" or "the entire player base" or "we all" is not necessarily true. Not trying to downplay the feed back that occurs from this group, however, repeating the same posts and comments time and time again does not solve anything. Beyond that, the discussions that occurs as a result of those posts 99.9% of the time de-evolve into hateful language or personal attacks, which means we have to lock, hide or remove posts, which means the OP's get lost... All because of a SMALL few people that can't seem to treat others with respect or have adult constructive conversations.

If they are centralized a lot of the standard BS that is said without footing, data or just rants could be more easily removed and posts that are constructive and on other subjects could have a chance to see the light of day.

I literally read almost every single post that goes up on these forums (this is why I am on here at 7pm my time on a Saturday), but reading the same thing over and over, rants that have no data behind them necessarily does get old at times.

Everyone thinks that nothing is every done from feedback, this is, not true, it is in fact acted on, it just takes time. Since the rework there have been very numerous changes to CV play, AA and mechanics in general and we are not done.

My biggest problem I have with a lot of the arguments I see on the forums? As a DD main, I DO NOT have a problem with CV's in my matches... and I do just fine. Why? How? Because I tend to change how I play based off what is going on in game, furthermore (and I know I will get flak for this, because i have seen it on others that have said this), I have played CV's to learn how to counter them easier and I am a good DD driver and an above average CV driver.

All that being said, I wanted this position in order to help our community and feed the information that you all put in here, talk about in game, stuff we talk about in person and stuff we see on social media up to the developers and hopefully let you know about stuff coming down from them.

THIS is the reason for me wanting to create a main topic for CV's, because it is such a heavily talked about topic that it SHOULD have its own realm.

Just my two doubloons on the subject.



over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Well I don't want to necessarily curtail any and all people that are complaining about anything. That is not the point of the forums and I will never do that, assuming that people aren't violating our forum rules.

It sucks about your clan mate though. I had a similar occurrence run in with someone from my old clan before I worked for WeeGee and after they cooled down and I explained how to counter CV play more, they have somewhat chilled out.

At the end of the day, if someone is going to take a hard stance about something, often times it's impossible to change their mind. This is IMO often just a normal human trait. It takes a lot of work to change ones own mind sometimes...
