This entire thread is borderline.
Look, there has been a lot of emotion on the forum about subs and other things recently and that's fine. Emotions get wrapped up in games because we LIKE the games and we care about the path the games take. No problem. What begins to be a problem is when we can't express it in any way other than slinging mud at each other. The moderators have put in overtime to help keep things civil and I'm grateful for their presence. We hide comments that are aimed at escalating tensions between individuals. That's just how it's going to be.
The moderating team here has very clear instructions that they are not censoring people's dislike, distrust, or even anger towards / of Wargaming. That's not their job and so they don't do that. Their job is to make sure no one steps over the lines when interacting with each other and they do it well. Don't turn your ire on them, please.
Hate subs all you want, hate the people who hate subs all you want, and hate CV's all you want - just be civil about it.
Also - no hating the Agir. It's my favorite boat.