over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

This entire thread is borderline.
Look, there has been a lot of emotion on the forum about subs and other things recently and that's fine. Emotions get wrapped up in games because we LIKE the games and we care about the path the games take. No problem. What begins to be a problem is when we can't express it in any way other than slinging mud at each other. The moderators have put in overtime to help keep things civil and I'm grateful for their presence. We hide comments that are aimed at escalating tensions between individuals. That's just how it's going to be.
The moderating team here has very clear instructions that they are not censoring people's dislike, distrust, or even anger towards / of Wargaming. That's not their job and so they don't do that. Their job is to make sure no one steps over the lines when interacting with each other and they do it well. Don't turn your ire on them, please.
Hate subs all you want, hate the people who hate subs all you want, and hate CV's all you want - just be civil about it.
Also - no hating the Agir. It's my favorite boat.

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Everybody has their threshold for how a game progresses.
If you truly believe that World of Warships has made so many mistakes that it's unforgivable then you are welcome to think that. It begs the question why you're here trying to pitch that...
I have been playing 4 years, played competitively for 2, streamed for 1.5, was a CC for 1, and now work for the company. While I was annoyed with, even upset by a lot of choices (x2 CV's in Clan Battles pissed me RIGHT off), I'm still here because I like the game. I like getting into my shooty-pixel-bote and shooting your shooty-pixel-bote.
When I'm upset about something I make my case for why it upsets me and I try to get it changed. If I realize that's never going to happen, I weight how much it bothers me against how much fun I still have.
I'm still here and having a good time.

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Brother I'm not telling you to get out. I'd like you to stay. I just don't want you to be miserable about things that maybe aren't worth misery.
Look - when the commander rework happened earlier this year I was MISERABLE about secondaries. It's silly, really - as secondaries weren't supposed to be a primary tool. They have always been a "secondary" tool (pun intended) like torpedoes on BB's / CA's to back up the main armament. They were never "competitive", but they were fun. The Commander rework borked secondaries further and I was livid. They improved by being able to fire from both sides and further than before even with manual, but they were less accurate and therefore basically unusable. I was so upset that I actually considered leaving the CC program for a hot minute because I just couldn't understand WHY this was done and pitched as "improving" them.
But rather than blow up in the CC feedback channel, I made a case: I stated that the aim of the rework was to buff them, then I laid out the net positives of the rework and contrasted them with the net losses. I stated empathically that, because of a few specific things (loss of accuracy...), secondaries went from a fun meme to a complete liability. I offered up in place a direct comparison to the special ability on the Hannover and said "This is a great feature - you could take this feature and apply it as a 4-point captain skill as long as it's "activated" with a button instead of activated when it filled up. OR, better yet, make the secondaries just get more accurate over time when a target is selected. That will allow secondaries to fulfill the intended role of their bearers: "get close and start a clock for the enemy".
I got what I wanted because they listened.
But I had to make a good case...

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

This is basically a personal attack and against forum rules. You're calling me a pig in lipstick. You're saying my post is crap. You're accusing me of gaslighting..
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Calm down and don't break forum rules...

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

It's ok, Duck - I don't have any feelings.

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I assure you - I have read these feelings over and over and over again in the cacophany of threads made in the last week.
I have reported back to my team in NA the feelings and guess what - I even go further and I steel-man the weaker arguments to make sure the strongest criticism of game design and concern about imbalances reaches as high as it can possibly go.
I literally go through these threads, hear your concerns, and then make the arguments better for some of you and pass them to my boss.

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