over 5 years ago - Worlds Adrift - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s word spreading like a whisper in the
4s wing I too took it for mere hearsay at
8s first but wisdoms taught me rumors
11s rarely lie the Marauders have returned
16s a faction of lawless lowlifes it was
19s three Libertines each more vile than the
22s last
22s that started first was prompt a depraved
28s creature with an infamy preceded only by
30s his stench he was more feral and vicious
34s than his own pack of rabid dogs the
36s facts of the story goes by which he was
39s ladies having been abandoned
42s Murphy's grotesquerie next up was violet
48s though violence would have been more
52s fitting
53s with the rage of a storm and all the
56s allure of lightning no curl in the eye
59s and you are likely to lose your own if
62s she was feeling charitable if not and
70s last of all maggots as the name implied
74s a truly rotten man that fade on the weak
78s gorged on the vulnerable and was utterly
81s enslaved by his lusts festering for days
86s at a time among the flesh but with these
89s three missing why are the Marauders
92s returning now you might ask foundation
96s is on the rise and ripe for the picking
100s run and they'll hunt you down for the
103s pleasure of it mine and they'll seek you
106s out like a leech starved of blood as our
111s seeds you have one of two choices join
116s them or turn fight