almost 5 years ago - Nar'Gall - Direct link
Originally posted by Rig Nan Roach: Yes, it could. First off, you have to know that prototyping is not done on massive numbers of servers.

"It also lets you use SpatialOS on your local machine, and offers free support via the forums."

Local deployment using "small" topology

They've had their own dev servers since the get go. This game does NOT have to be an MMO. Not at all.

People need to get mad and get organized. This sort of thing is just IP abuse. There's no excuse for it. There is no excuse for this pattern that emerged with Landmark and continues here of MMO's disappearing with folks' money.

Hi Rig. This is not quite right: local servers are for development only, if you look deeper you will find you're not allowed to use local servers for external access.

Also, a shard of WA uses 400+ cores. If you are using a quad core machine, that's 100 servers for a single shard, plus load balancers, database etc. Worlds Adrift does not run in any capacity on a single machine from more than a couple of testers, and implying so is not going to help this discussion, I'm afraid.

If there was a simple way to make it available for people to host themselves, we would do so. That's not how the game was built nor how it works, though.