over 5 years ago - Worlds Adrift - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s wolves drift can be a dangerous place
7s pirates roam the skies looking for their
9s next victim and there are no safe zones
11s where weary travelers can seek sanctuary
13s at least until now with the introduction
17s of PvE service non pvp is finally have a
20s place to learn the ropes and engage with
22s other players without having to worry
24s about being shot in the back now when
26s you click join game you will be greeted
28s with this screen which offers a brief
30s breakdown of the differences between PvP
32s and PvE servers on PvE servers player
35s versus player combat is completely
37s disabled in wilderness experts and
39s remnants and this extends to ship vs.
41s ship combat - don't let you got down too
44s much though PvP is still possible on PvE
47s service in badlands so make sure that
49s you're well prepared before you breathe
51s that some wall also with this up there
53s we've finally added island turrets these
56s ancient sentries provide an extra
58s challenge when exploring islands now
60s that can quite easily dispose of
62s complicit travelers so do keep your wits
65s about you right now there are three
67s different types of turret the light
69s variant which is deadly at close range
71s heavy which fires a devastating three
74s volley burst and finally explosive
76s turrets which can quickly tear apart a
78s lightly armoured ship if left unchecked
81s turrets can be disabled by shooting them
84s with other pistol or cannons so being
86s prepared is key to making it out alive
87s with the loot but don't hang around for
90s too long as they are automatically
92s repaired after another storm finally the
95s new personal revival charge has now been
97s implemented and is intended to make
99s boarding enemy ships more balanced now
101s when you die a good distance from your
103s ship you will deplete Lee revive as
105s charge the further away from your ship
107s you are when you respawn the more charge
108s you will use up up to a maximum of 25%
111s once your charge is completely depleted
113s you will still be able to revive but
115s doing so will send out a burst of energy
117s that will damage all of your ships
119s components repeated use of a depleted
121s Reviver will eventually cause enough
123s damage to destroy your ship entirely so
126s be careful revive a charge can be
128s replenished by docking in a shipyard the
130s progress will which is shown in your
132s respawn screen and on the Reviver itself
134s but it does take a bit of time to reach
136s fully so plan ahead that's all for this
140s one next week we'll be giving you a tour
142s of heaven and explaining the improved
144s tutorial steps for new players see you
146s then
152s you