
Barotrauma Dev Tracker

17 Mar

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey! Just to write a quick comment, the traitor mode is something we are quite likely to work on in the near future. While I can't go on record making any firm promises about that yet, we agree in its current state it leaves something to be desired, and that makes it a good candidate for our future content updates. More about that once the release dust settles and our plans for the future become a bit clearer :)

16 Mar


    Vihis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Both of these are known issues, and should be fixed in an upcoming hotfix patch! Make sure to download the update once it releases and you should be good to go!

13 Mar

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you, from all of us! :)

10 Feb

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! To be clear, we have drawn inspiration from mods that added something interesting which had not been a part of our own plans, such as the transparent diving suit visors we just added in the most recent update. We have also in a some cases incorporated actual code written by our players when it has been submitted to the Barotrauma project on a volunteer basis – cases like these are covered in our end-user licence agreement which you can also find and read on our GitHub if you like. Times like these, we certainly give a tip of the hat to the creator, sometimes in the changelog, sometimes the game credits, sometimes in private.

Things like explorable locations, however, have been an integral part of our plans for the game since the beginning, not something we took from anyone else. Whatever inspiration we draw from player creations, we always develop the game towards our own design, and the chance that something of this magnitude, made by someone else, would fit our pla... Read more

20 Oct

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We got the patch out sooner than expected – it's live now. Patchnotes here:

18 Oct

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! Sorry for the trouble. This is the second similar report we've seen since the update, but unfortunately we've not been able to diagnose the issue based on what players have reported so far. If you're willing to go to a bit of trouble, a screenshot taken at the time when the issue occurs, with the debug console open and performance statistics enabled, could help – press F3 to open the debug console and enter the text "showperf", and then send us a picture of the entire game window. You can send the picture as a link here, or use our issue tracker in and we'll see if the information helps us figure out what's causing this.
    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! We release updates only every couple of months or so, and you should expect the next one roughly mid-December assuming our plans hold. (A faster cycle is impractical for us as localisation and quality assurance take a lot of time!) As we are getting closer to our 1.0 release, the update cycle has been a little less intense and the ratio of fixes & quality-of-life to new content has also shifted, as there is a lot to polish and balance now before we come out of early access. If you want to be among the first to know about upcoming changes, I recommend checking out the ... Read more

02 Sep

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Edit: looks like Kratos beat me to it but I'll leave my list up anyway in case someone else needs the walkthrough for looking things up yourself!

Hi! You can find all these names in your local game files. Locate the game files on your computer and navigate to Content > Texts > Russian, and open that .xml file, e.g. in Notepad or similar. Then ctrl+H to search, and look up every creature by its English name to find the translations used in-game. Or rather, look up just one as in this case they're conveniently listed all in the same place!

Explanation just for future reference; I'll paste a cleaned-up list of the non-human creature names below!

Charybdis: Харибда
Coelanth: Целанф
Crawler: Ползун
Endworm: Червь Рока
Doomworm: Гибельный червь
Fractal Guardian: Фрактальный страж
Husk: Хаск
Mudraptor: Грязевой раптор
Deathraptor: Раптор-убийца
Mantis: Богомол
Moloch: Молох
Moloch Boss: Молох-босс
Tigerthresher: ... Read more

01 Sep

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Seems to me OP wanted to avoid hurting anyone's feelings with the video, and it seems everyone so far agrees that that was nothing to worry about. No reason to nitpick beyond that, please enjoy the video and refrain from unnecessary debate about the choice of words!

15 Jul

    Regalis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The main point of removing a lot of the gear from the loadouts was to reduce the amount of free supplies the players get (especially in multiplayer where you get those every time you respawn).

Personally I would argue it doesn't reduce the variety of the characters by much: even though the characters start as kind of "blank slates" now, it doesn't take that many minutes to obtain gear from elsewhere and start building your character and equipment in the direction want to.

Reducing the availability of supplies has been the point of many of the other recent changes to the economy as well: we feel resources were often too easy to come by, to the point where at the later stages of the campaign you had such an overabundance of supplies you practically didn't even need to care about obtaining more. Now we're trying to make resources a little more scarce - although, there is still a lot more work remaining to get the economy and balance right.

20 Jun

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! Thanks for this thread, we will be keeping an eye on it.

Not to dampen anyone's enthusiasm too much, I wanted to drop by and clarify something about our schedule: if everything goes as planned, we do not have a full year of new development time before 1.0, both because we actually hope to reach that milestone sometime earlier than a full year from now*, and because we cannot keep developing new things all the way until release – all releases require a testing and polishing phase, and this one more than any other before it.

So our "hands off" moment for the 1.0 release is coming almost sooner than we would like! With that in mind I'd like to temper your expectations a bit and repeat what we wrote on the blog[] last week: there will not b... Read more

15 Jun

    Rokvach on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There's a new UI sound volume slider in the settings
    Rokvach on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Rodrigo: short delay, when im adjusting settings / changing my starting crew it freezes entirely, i need to kill the process
Do you happen to have a lot of mods/subs installed or a lot of saves? Those can cause a halt to happen while they are being loaded, also changing resolution does cause quite a long freeze.

08 Jun

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You shan't, this time, I'm afraid. We did not have the time to make two posts, so there will only be one proper announcement on the day of the update (we like to translate our Steam announcements into a couple of different languages, and that takes time).

You can play all the new things in the ... Read more

07 Jun

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! You're correct that the actual anniversary date already passed, but we needed a bit more time to get everything ready for the update. Look forward to it next week!

03 Jun

    Regalis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The radiation is explained quite poorly in the game at the moment (a lot of the lore we've written about it has currently only been published in the DLC Magazines), but that's going to change in future updates.

The radiation fields around Jupiter are a real-life phenomena caused by Jupiter's immense magnetic field. Because of it, the level of radiation on Europa's surface is high enough to be deadly (which explains why the colonists settled under the ice in Barotrauma).

The part made up for the game is that the intensity of that radiation is somehow increasing, and has already gotten so intense that it's affecting the outposts under the ice. Why exactly it's increasing is a mystery to the Europans as well. The reason why the society is not in a state of panic is that people don't know for sure how bad the situation is - they don't know how long it's going to keep increasing, or whether it's going to reach a level where shielding the outposts and/or migrating dee... Read more

28 Apr

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, the hotfix was announced today via patchnotes as always. You can see it, including the full changelog, here:

Or, if you mean the actual update and not today's patch, that was announced the week before! You can browse earlier news posts under the ... Read more

22 Apr

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, this thread seems unrelated to Barotrauma, so I am locking it. It is unclear to me whether OP or anyone else wished to provoke anyone with the topic, but as the weekend approaches and we may not be here to keep an eye on it, I think it might be in everyone's best interest to avoid further conversation here – since none of it so far seems to yield much discussion about the game itself.

Wish everyone a nice weekend!

21 Apr

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! Sorry for the trouble. This is unfortunately an actual problem in the game which somehow managed to go unnoticed all the way until release, and as such you cannot work around it. It seems to affect about half of all colony modules. We are aware of the problem now, though, and will fix it as soon as we are able to!

20 Apr

    Rokvach on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by moikka434: What happens to the crew member's money if he disconnects and the rest of the crew continue playing? Does the money get returned to the bank or does it remain on the crew member till he rejoins?
The money stays on the disconnected character once they rejoin (If you really want to access their money you can kill them after they have disconnected and loot the money by grabbing them)