about 2 years ago - Dynamoon - Direct link
Hi! We release updates only every couple of months or so, and you should expect the next one roughly mid-December assuming our plans hold. (A faster cycle is impractical for us as localisation and quality assurance take a lot of time!) As we are getting closer to our 1.0 release, the update cycle has been a little less intense and the ratio of fixes & quality-of-life to new content has also shifted, as there is a lot to polish and balance now before we come out of early access. If you want to be among the first to know about upcoming changes, I recommend checking out the Unstable beta, which gets unreleased changes early for testing.

Aside from that, checking our Steam news is the best way to see when updates are inbound, as we will post content previews and schedule information in the weeks leading up to a release. As for the day of the week, it is usually Tue–Thurs to give us a bit of buffer at both ends of the week for any last-minute fixes.

Add.: Besides proper updates, we also release patches typically in the weeks following a bigger release. Currently we've still got a few new fixes coming for the latest update, and those should hopefully arrive next week.
about 2 years ago - Dynamoon - Direct link
We got the patch out sooner than expected – it's live now. Patchnotes here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/602960/view/3392925264785907034