Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

26 Sep

Originally posted by Kelshan103

In game username is Kelshan103. I got the skin and tank, but I don’t remember getting the xp cards. Tbf I never check the events so I don’t know if I didn’t receive them the first time around.

Ignore the bundle screechers, CoDM is doing great and I can’t wait for the anniversary.

Heya Kelshan, thanks for the response and for the support. We don't want to ignore anyone on any topic, but we hope that the discussion around that won't affect the excitement and uniqueness of everything surrounding anniversary.

Anyways, in relation to that bug we'll report your information up with everyone else as soon as can (at the beginning of this next week). Thanks for taking the time.

Originally posted by Phunsuk-Wangdu

I haven't got either of the rewards (neither Tank skin nor HVK Tin stitched or XP Cards) too

IGN - Phunsuk^Wangdu

UID - 6750967345168515073

Hey as well, appreciate the response and clear information. We'll send this up along with everyone else as soon as we can. Hang tight!

Originally posted by DaDiamondWolfz

I’m experiencing the same issue with missing mission rewards. I got the tank, but not the XP cards or the HVK skin, though I did grind for them.

IGN: KingDaForest UID: 6745578762664411137

Heya, appreciate the response and for specifying which rewards you are missing. The info looks straight forward and we'll work on getting this all up to our teams to investigate as soon as we can.

Originally posted by ru5tysn4k3


UID: 6790138390810984449

I have only received the Tank skin and don't have the HVK and XP cards

Hey, thanks for responding and for specifying what you did or not did not get. We'll send this all up at the start of the week and get a resolution for you all. Take care!

Originally posted by resperas


Username: PHX_Esperas

UID: 6753791053515980801

Thanks resperas. Sorry for not being able to answer your question, but we hope our answer above helps explain why we just focused on this bug related one.

Originally posted by Fast-Watercress6976

Mine still missing too pls help ; my uid -6746993468688039937 My username - M R X

Heya, thanks for responding as well and sorry to hear you are running into that issue still too. Are you missing all of the rewards or if not which ones exactly?

Originally posted by Killer614

It hasn’t been sent to everyone. I have been saying it for days now. I haven’t got my reward either. I always do all challenges every time. And have yet to receive the bugged rewards. - in game name. KÏLLËR614

Heya, sorry to see you are running into that too. Are you missing all three too or which specifics? All three would be the HVK, tank skin, and purple XP card. Also, could you provide your UID in case we have issues searching your username due those special characters you have? Usernames are case sensitive so we are just asking being careful. Thanks!

Originally posted by _cozzy_

Hey, I haven't received the hvk skin, the tank skin and the weapon XP cards My IGN: cozzy.コビー My UID: 6741485004889194497

Hey Cozzy, thanks for replying and for providing all of that information right up front. We'll add your info to the growing group of people reporting the same issue and send it up to the team at the beginning of next week.

Originally posted by Naruto11q

I still haven't recieved the HVK... Username - AoCRöach

Thanks for the reply and for the specific info. Could you drop your username as well? The way your username is made makes us worry that it will not populate when we search it due it being case sensitive.

Originally posted by PAVELSYM

Hello, I havent received any of my rewards from these events (no tank skin, no hvk skin, no xp cards)
UID: 6743191257184993281
Username: PAVELSYM

Thanks for reaching out and for providing all of that information right off the bat. We'll send your info up along with everyone else here at the start of the next week. Appreciate it!

Originally posted by Manimalai_

User name : AGEntCOulson UID : 6742797015459627010 Not yet received any reward

Heya, thanks for replying. Which rewards are you missing? Or all three (two from one challenge and one from the other)?

Originally posted by theholyboy

Atlast found the user addressing the problem. Same with me. Haven't received those rewards.

UID 6742730748694364162


Thanks for responding and for providing that info! We are going to gather these all up and send them to the team at the start of the next week.

Originally posted by FlegMax

Hello, i have recieved hvk and xp cards but not the tank skin. IGN: FlegMax UID: 6745934786495840257

Thanks. We'll keep gathering all of the reports of that here over the weekend and then send it up to the team to have them check the whole batch. Appreciate the response and UID.

Originally posted by HunchoLaFlame

Wow absolutely ridiculous that you don’t answer his first point giving feedback on the bundles vs crates/lucky draws you guys really wanna keep gambling in your game which is not the right move whatsoever listen to the majority stop ignoring stop making excuses to keep gambling we the codm community are not stupid

Yeah, it was a tough spot. We understand your frustration, but it was either try to help them with their bug or not respond at all. We don't have anything additional to add about bundles/crates at this moment so all of these questions and follow-ups we cannot answer in a one on one forum like this.

If we do have a response it will come in the form of a broad statement like the one in this community update. However, in the end we would rather try to help them and inevitably get downvoted than not respond to any part of it.

We keep watching and watching waiting for you to hit that Nuke, but it was all just a tease to show how masterfully you kept everyone at bay for such an impressively long period of time. Great clip. Hopefully we never play Attack of the Undead against you haha.

Originally posted by AlaaMessi

Love the constant updates and your great work. Looking forward to play in the next update. But can we get a hint about what will be the next gun? Atleast wich category.

Multiple categories 😉 . You'll see what we mean.

Originally posted by tripps_a_lot

Heya, thanks for the update. You mentioned that the missing rewards for the Survival Skills and 10 Men Regiment events were fixed. Unfortunately I still haven't received the HVK Tin Stitched skin, although I got the Tank skin last week in the mail. Should I be expecting the HVK skin soon or should it already have been sent out?

Hey, thanks for reaching out about that. We are seeing a few people say similar so far in the responses here, but thanks for specifying which exact one is missing for you. Could you share your UID or username? We'll double check.

Edit - We see all of you responding and thank you so much for doing. The volume of this is a bit more than expected (seeing as to how we thought it was fixed), so just know we'll be grabbing your information and reporting it up at the start of this next week once our teams back in the office. Thank you all so much.

Originally posted by Fast-Watercress6976

I still have not received my missing event rewards 😢🥺 player uid - 6746993468688039937

Is this for Survival Skills and 10 Men Regiment? Are you missing all three of them or just one specific reward?

Originally posted by maverickbluezero

" usual update" being the large updates that comes every 2 months or the small updates in between?

Either, it is our anniversary so we have a lot planned in terms of overall content.

Originally posted by MarcelloJulio

Hello CODM devs!

I have some questions:

1º The Tunisia map will return to domination mode in Season 11?

2º Me and some many other users did not receive yet the HVK-30 skin from the 10 Men Regiment event but received the tank skin of the Survival Skills event. Is there a plan to solve this problem?

Greetings and success to the team!

Greetings to you as well!
1. For maps in permanent modes like Domination they can rotate out a bit each month as we add in other popular or newer maps. We aren't sure exactly when Tunisia will rotate in or out, but we'll try to see if that information is available to share. Also, we do have the map vote for a featured playlist, which could feature Tunisia, at the top of this post.

  1. As far as we are aware everyone should have received those items if they were missing them. Could you please just share your username or UID? We'll double check the list.

Thanks for the well wishes and have a great weekend!