
Dauntless Dev Tracker

27 Oct


Originally posted by PianoCrab196963

My question is why are you capping damage at all? If a player wants to run glass cannon tbats their choice, you shouldn't force them out of that option.

Also, how will the omnicells be playing into the buff system?

Lastly, how will the CRITICAL buff separate stacks from crit chance and crit damage? Or will they be combined?

A few reasons for the damage cap. Firstly, there will still be cases that go outside the damage cap. For example, one of the talents on Ardent Cyclone increases the damage of Ardent Cyclone by 20%. This is in addition to your MIGHT stacks. Second, as Dauntless stands right now, there's no reason not to run Glass Cannon, it's not an option, it's the only build there is. While there are many factors that go into this, and we're addressing a lot of them, part of this is on us for getting out of control with how many sources of bonus damage that can all be put together we've added over the years. You'll certainly still be able to make Glass Cannon builds. The Hunger with Revenant Omnicell for example will be a definitively glass cannon build, dealing massive damage while riding the line of nearly dead.

Omnicells are not changing significantly in this, though places where they would add damage bonuses, or speed bonuses, or critical for example will just now be using the new buff...

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Originally posted by WIIU_Awesome

1)What about other debuffs or buffs that does not fall in the 6 categories, like frost,wound, corruption, burning and such?

2)Why we do not get an image how the ui will look on the screen with the new buff system?

3)Will the stat limits being limited to personal buffs or buffs getting from teammates also? This was already annoying when attack speed limit got implement because people didn't know if their conduit cell was actually doing something or if the teammates were at max...will we be able to see at least the buffs stats for teammates?

Those status conditions still exist without change. You can be chilled or wounded or corrupted or burning etc.

It's not yet complete.

Currently you can't see teammates - but that's a really good point, especially at high level content if you're trying to maximize upside without being wasteful, knowing where everyone else is at would be super helpful. On the other hand, could get crowded on screen so.. certainly something we should think about!


Originally posted by Threef

Is there a chance for armor/weapons/perks to have negative buffs or both buffs? Like having a perk that gives +2 CRITICAL and -1 VITALITY?

This is very likely yes. Still working through converting existing buffs and perks to the new system.


Originally posted by Coffeethirst

There are a lot of buffs that are good but a pain to use. These include Savage Wellspring, and the Landbreaker specials for the hammer. For the Pike, experienced players know how and when to use it, but less adept players get shunned by it’s short duration. The hammer specials are very useful, but needing to get empowered ammo before using them (for the best results) and having teammates not notice the buffs make them feel clunky and unfun. Molten can also be hit-or-miss in this fashion, where a teammate can accidentally grab all of your molten and now your health fades away like it’s… burning. Will there be QOL changes to streamline any of these (or others) in the rework?

Yes, I'm working on some quality life changes to most buff sources as part of this work. For example, stopping Molten Hearts from being collected if you have reached the SPEED cap and cannot gain more.


Originally posted by Icy-Bee-2157

I am leaving the question in this AMA to the players more invested in builds and stuff(I am more into behemoths, islands and stuff).

I just wanted to say thank you, the progress during the last few months look more than promising, I am so hyped and to see that you guys listen to the feedback is so great. Keep going. This game will be back on top surely. :D

Thanks for your support!


Originally posted by YoloDennisNL

  • Will all buff types have the same cap? Let's say 10 stacks?

  • Will weapon buffs like Wellspring (if it still exists that is) count towards the buff cap as well?

By default the cap for each buff type is 10 yes. We are exploring allowing some perks to extend the cap.

Savage Wellspring does still exist and will grant stacks of CRITICAL, and as such will also count towards the buff cap yes.


Hey everyone, we've shared our plans for important changes coming to the buff system in this dev blog yesterday.

We thought it would be a good time to answer any questions you may have about anything outlined in the blog, and buffs in general.

We will be here answering questions from 2 - 3pm PT today. (i.e., in about half an hour from now)

Please only submit up to 3 questions so everyone gets a chance to be heard. The comments will be displayed via contest mode which hides comment vote score and displays them in a randomized order to give each question a chance to be seen.


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In the third of our monthly dev blogs discussing ongoing development work for The Shattered Isles, we discuss important changes to the buff system.

Buffs can add a new dimension to the way you slay, so we want to make using and understanding buffs simpler for all Slayers! Come Summer 2024, you will see a major overhaul that streamlines all buffs into a set of six core buffs.

Perks, amps, cells, weapons, and other sources of buffs will all be converted to grant you stacks of one of six core buffs. These core buffs will have bounds that run in either direction (positive or negative).

Head over to our blog for all the details, plus a section outlining how community feedback continues to be a critical part of building an exciting future for Dauntless!


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26 Oct

24 Oct


Very cool! Second one giving off strong Thrax vibes.

10 Oct


Highly defensive builds can beat hescas, even solo. Your first goal should just be to get to the final round alive and with limited deaths as they can set you back a lot. General rule of thumb, aim for completing each level with a little threat as possible in a reliable manner, that's not just DPS, it's not dying frequently.

If one of you is better than the other would recommend super defensive for one and less so for the other. One person repeatedly dying will prevent you from even seeing the final round.

05 Oct

29 Sep


Originally posted by Xardas_88

Just what Dauntless needed, another remake of existing systems instead of new content.

I know why that's the feeling, I totally get it. This update will certainly include a whole bunch of new content - new gear, new things to fight, new ways to progress, new activities to do.


Originally posted by Specter56709

I've got a few reasonable questions.

1) Will there be some kind of story/lore

2) Will trading ever be a thing in the long run

3) Will there be more buffs for escalations

4) Will there be a seperate trials board for duo, trio and then of course squad

5) Is there a possibility that you guys will add a decorative mode for your own personal hub or headquarters to customize it to your own liking

6) What's the actual point of trackers if they don't really benefit the player instead of just bragging rights

7) Will you guys maybe add new elements to the game where you can have a twin combo of a behemoth like a nature/shock Malkarion

8) When will pets be a thing and how will it actually benefit a player new or old

1) Definitely

2) Maybe, it's been under discussion heavily as we look at what we want to do for the economy in this update, but we aren't ready to speak more now on it

3) Not planned at the moment. I'm always game to revisit escalation further down the line, it's fun to build for, but not the focus at the moment.

4) We are still determining how we want to handle the trials board in a world where you equip two weapons. But we would still likely keep it as solo vs. squads, and not have leaderboards for every permutation

5) This is something we've talked about many times, the resources to do it is not there right now though, and we are focusing first on gameplay improvements and changes

6) They are purely decorative, letting you track some stats that are important to you, they do exist just for bragging rights and personal satisfaction, not for any gameplay purpose

7) No plans for multi-element behemoths right now

8) Pets are ano...

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Originally posted by BodybuilderOk6047

Hey dauntless I just lookt at the dev blog and the problem you face with, players zero in on target behemoth and other players that want to explore, wy not have a earship be called after you kill the targeted behemoth and it will be an extraction point fore player free to leave and if they stil want to explore, they can

This is one option we have discussed, allowing players to remain on the island after the target is defeated if they want to continue to gather and explore.


Originally posted by PrinceUldrenSov22

You mentioned improvement in Behemoth behavior and interactivity. Does this mean we'll be getting a new mechanic similar to the Aether Geysers that allow us to jump on some Behemoths backs?

We aren't currently planning to expand on the Behemoth mounting system beyond its current level, but definitely a possible in the longer future.


Originally posted by GentlemanTrex

Love your game, but I'm at work so I'll be brief!

1: the new game mode or open world aspect will it be similar to Monster Hunters open areas? Sort of Monsters Co existing in an ecosystem, moving around to do things rather than just staying in an invisible circle? ? 2: for new creatures, any hint at what's coming up? 3: unrelated, but how's Fae farm doing? My wife adores the game to no end and it's nice to see you all branch out!

The current thinking has the new mode working closer to Escalation. A series of events you complete in the course of your pursuit of the Behemoth, leading up to facing it. Less randomization and 'wackyness' than Escalation, and more about conquering and Island to face the Behemoth that rules it.

No big hints I want to give about creatures other than what was shown in the blog today, or the sneaky look at a new creature that appeared in our previous blog!

And Fae Farm is doing well! We're incredibly proud of the Fae Farm team and what they accomplished. While our teams focus may be Dauntless, we're here cheering on their successes and wishing them many more!


Originally posted by KorrupiKid

Bonus question for you. Will Gaius Copperwheel make a return? He is the cartographer after all and we have not seen him since old Ramsgate. Where is he hiding?

Ha! I wasn't sure anyone would remember him. He's out there ;)


Originally posted by Manujiiva

Will the reintroduce pursuit be endless or it ends once the targeted behemoth is slayed?

Any plans on upgrading the current game engine to lets say UE5 or another?

The current thinking right now is that these pursuits would be finite, you would know about how long they are going to take, and they would have a clear defined end point.

We are upgrading Dauntless from UE4 to UE5 as part of this big patch.


Originally posted by Cpt_Maelstrom

- Why the team decided to go back to patrols instead implementing the bait system? I believe the result would be almost the same.

- Whats with the "mimic" fauna? It seems very annoying, and as the current gatherables goes, theres pretty much no reason to interact with them (as you can buy potions with rams). Another possible issue: (like in wayfinder) mimics has set points, instead being randomly placed, so players can easily avoid it.

- Am I wrong to see this "new game mode" as a simple "Hunting Grounds event"? Or like some combination of already existing content, such as, Terra esca mushroom gather / linnea wood cutting / barrier building repeatable quest / island adventures or even escalation? Because none of these were fun or made any difference. So im a bit sceptic when the "new way of playing the game" is built around these kind of side activities (and the main activity also just a HG event, called differently)

Yes, shrines and all that stuff are new, ...

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-The team has decided on this direction because there's a lack of impact and consequence in Hunting Grounds. Hunting Grounds have no fail state, and very little in the way of rewarding success moments. This doesn't mean we will definitely lose hunting grounds, that's still under discussion. But having pursuit hunts against dangerous behemoths that can be failed, and that have a clear defined end point to reach for success is still a strong moment that adds weight. While a bait system would let you hunt what you want in the Hunting Grounds, it would not make them feel any less the sort of player death ball where Behemoths feel more like fodder than they are today. And Hunting grounds with much stronger behemoths might not really feel like Hunting grounds anymore.

-The mimic fauna will likely drop far more of the resource they are mimicing than a normal pickup, so finding one should be in its own way a bit of a reward, as you can get large chunks of the material when you unco...

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