Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

21 Jul

    Hippy on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re talking Solstice loot, Gunsmith reputation changes, and—finally—we'd like to invite you to save a special date.  

Before we go all-in on the latest TWAB, we want to share a small statement following recent events, particularly regarding instances of harassment within our community. Our aim is to foster a healthy, inclusive, and kind community. While there is a lot of conversation happening about online harassment, we want to take this opportunity to remind folks as we have done in the past, do not attempt to harass, attack, or pile onto anyone that Bungie is engaged in litigation with. The best way to support this community is by being a positive example of that kindness and inclusivity that is at the heart of what it means to be a Guardian.  
For this week’s TWAB, we’re sharing some details about a specific August date that you will want to pay attention to. We’re also checking out some awesome Solstice rewards for players to... Read more

19 Jul



Raids and Dungeons 

  • Derelict Leviathan 
        • Corrected Power levels on minor combatants associated with the Shared Fears Triumph which were set higher than intended. 
  • Duality 
        • Adjusted the balance between armor and weapon rewards, and set weapon drops to prefer those that have not had their Patterns unlocked. 
        • Adjusted the drop chance of Deepsight weapons within the Duality dungeon. 
        • Fixed an issue where players sometime get trapped in the Nightmare. 
        • Splash damage (grenades, Solar explosions, rockets, etc.) against bells no longer triggers a teleport. 
        • Fly-in cinematic has been added when launching into Duality. 
  • Grasp of Avarice 
        • The final boss no longer teleports out of the spawn location at the start of the encounter.


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15 Jul

    Hippy on News - Thread - Direct
Content creator, designer, voice-over artist?! Is there anything our latest Community Focus can’t do? Probably. Nobody is perfect, but just like those who have come before him, he exemplifies what it means to live authentically and with a kind heart, and what he brings to the Destiny 2 community is beautiful. Art, laughs, and just an overall good time. Meet Ahnubyss, a content creator that understands that honesty doesn’t have to be brutal, content creation doesn’t mean you have to change who you are, and getting silly is a no-brainer if it means making those around him smile more. 
Let’s get into it!  
Thanks for joining us today, Ahnubyss! Before we jump right into it, go ahead and tell us a little bit more about yourself.  
Hey! My name is Jeremiah, but I go by Ahnubyss for my content and on social media. I dabble in a few things—I love to learn new things, but no matter what I do, the same theme is always there: creation. Though...
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14 Jul

(Not sure what this post is about?  Check out Living Bungie's Values as Engineers.)
Widen Your Perspective
We spent more time to unpack this value than any other, because it’s a critically important area. We didn’t want to fall into the trap of saying uncontroversial positive-sounding things, or the trap of reiterating problematic cliches. Going back to one of the guiding principles of this whole handbook, as much as possible we want to highlight non-obvious tradeoffs or concrete expectations. And it took a while to describe the principles we try to live by in ways that we thought were both interesting and sufficiently nuanced.
We believe we build better games by actively working to be welcoming and in... Read more
This week at Bungie, we are getting ready for Solstice! 

Hello everyone and welcome back to another edition of This Week at Bungie. Right now, Iron Banner is going strong as teams battle to grab the Rift and quite literally dunk on their opponents. If you haven’t heard yet, this Season’s Iron Banner has been shaken up with not only a new mode but several other updates to the event from earning reputation and pinnacle rewards to even a new Iron Lord title. Check out this previous TWAB for the full details
Speaking of Iron Lord, this is the last Iron... Read more

11 Jul

    Sam on News - Thread - Direct
Welcome back to another Community Focus, Guardians! This week we are talking to a human who may have started out their Guardian's adventure solo, but now is now running their LFG Discord server that helps Guardians achieve their goals within the game every day.    
Welcome Kat! As always, let's start with introductions. Who are you, where are you from, and what got you into gaming and content creation? 
Oh goodness! Where do I begin? Well, I’m Kat and I go by they/them pronouns. I’m originally from Ohio, but as of right now, I reside in good ol’ Oklahoma! Gaming and content creation is something I’ve always had a massive passion for since I was a little kid. I remember being around six or seven years old when I saw my first gaming console, which, believe it or not, was a PS2. My mom was big into the Muppets, and they had a videogame called Muppets Party Cruise, which is basically a version of Mario Party, but Muppets...
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07 Jul

    Hippy on News - Thread - Direct
Back in May, we revealed our official Cosplay Cosmodrome, an epic undertaking that showed off just how talented our amazing community truly is. We were thrilled to partner with talented cosplayers worldwide to bring Savathûn to life in terrifying detail. Through the power of cosplay, each creator took to the task beautifully, showcasing their talent in a way that has our jaws on the floor. Watching the progress unfold on each of their socials has been a delight and we are ecstatic to share the glorious final product of their efforts with the Destiny 2 communi... Read more
    Hippy on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re celebrating Bungie Day!  
This week we’re all about those good vibes. Bungie Day is our chance to celebrate our community and some of the ways you have put out as much good into the world as possible. From the story about the wildly popular puppers emote that made its debut a couple of weeks ago, to some of the most hilariously “bad” cosplays we’ve ever seen, this week is a breather. So, sit back, kick those (clean, please) shoes up, and enjoy the ride. Let’s get into it.  

What Makes a Guardian a Guardian?

During last year's Bungie Day, we were celebrating thirty years of making game and put out a call for players to share amazing stories around playing our games. This year, we want to hear from you all again, but centered around your stories as Guardians. 

So what are we looking for? We're as... Read more

01 Jul

    Hippy on News - Thread - Direct
There are a lot of reasons why we love the Bungie community as much as we do, but one of those reasons is how amazing you Guardians are when it comes to taking care of your own. There are so many players out there that are willing to help others. From dropping everything to help a New Light through this wonderous world to helping a PvP newbie make it to the Lighthouse for the first time in Trials of Osiris—there is a lot of kindness that we love to see. One such Guardian is a woman that has made such an impact that her community has advocated for her Community Focus almost daily, and after digging into what she brings to the Destiny 2 community, we understand why!  
Meet Sarah, a.k.a. TheVertigoVixen, a Destiny 2 player that consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that those around her feel supported and get that full in-game experience. She’s an incredible voice of kindness and badassery, and because of that—we're just excited to dive in. So, without further ado, l... Read more

30 Jun

    Sam on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we are getting ready for Grandmaster Nightfalls.  
This year, and this Season, has been flying by. We hope that you can find moments of peace in your world this week, and do not forget we have a bunch of mental health resources here just in case things are feeling a little too heavy. We listed this last week as well, but your mental health is important Guardians, so another reminder never hurts.   
This week is another light week for the TWAB, but we will be talking about the midseason weapons preview, Prime Gaming Drops, a fun final message (for this month!) from the Pride Strike Team, and a quick reminder that Grandmaster Nightfalls are starting up next week!  
So, hold onto your Ghosts, Guardian, and let’s get into it!  ... Read more
(Not sure what this post is about?  Check out Living Bungie's Values as Engineers.)
Value #4, we’re past the halfway point!

Closing is an Everyday Practice
This value raises a classically challenging tradeoff in engineering—we’re always trying to strike the right balance between idealism and pragmatism, haunted by the twin specters of overengineering and hacking. Unpacking this value turned out to be a wonderful opportunity for us to define our target balance in as concrete and nuanced a way as we can. Even beyond that, as we pondered this space, we discovered other critical parts of our culture that (as far as I know) we’d never written down.
We always close the loop.
  • We do what we sa...
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29 Jun

    Sam on News - Thread - Direct
When you think about the world of Destiny, a lot of what you visualize probably lives within the game, such as beautiful graphics, immersive stories, space magic, fashion choices. What you may not always think about are the pieces outside of that realm. All the toys, books, T-shirts, and other collectibles that come to life are thanks to Bungie's Consumer Products team. 
We got a chance to hang out with the Bungie Consumer Products team, an incredibly talented group of humans that come together every day to bring you all the real-world loot that Bungie has to offer. They are the ones in charge of brainstorming, designing, sourcing, gathering, and launching gaming memorabilia that we can’t wait to get our hands on. 
Today, we get the exclusive opportunity to dive into a project quite close to many Destiny players' hearts—the NERF LMTD Destiny Gjallarhorn Blaster. A labor of love between Bungie and NERF, let's go back to how it all got started. 


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28 Jun



Raid and Dungeon 

  • The Last Wish:  
        • Fixed an issue where mods were not dropping. 
  • Duality:  
        • Fixed an issue where damage phase lasted for an unintended duration in the Sorrow Bearer encounter. 
        • Fixed an issue where the Sorrow Bearer encounter could auto-complete after the first bell teleport. 
        • Fixed an issue where Skyburner’s Oath and the Explosive Payload perk could bypass the bosses’ shields in Duality’s Vault encounter. 
  • Fixed an issue where players could break immune shields in Vault of Glass, Garden of Salvation, and Vow of the Disciple by applying Scorch to enemies. 

Crucible and Iron Banner 

  • Fixed an issue where players could hide out of bounds in the Crucible map, D...
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27 Jun

Oh, a new week already? And it's almost July, too? Time flies when you are working on stuff you want others to read as soon as possible. As much as I love doing the new Duality dungeon (I managed to finish it solo!) and trying to get my desired roll of my adored Beloved, chatting about Destiny 2 with remarkable people and getting to tell their stories is something I enjoy very much. Lucky me, that’s exactly what I'm doing today! 
Please, say "olà" to Everson, an incredible Destiny 2 content creator and the first one from the great country of Brazil to be featured in a Community Focus. 
Oi, Everson, como vai? (Hey, Everson, how are you doing?) It’s a pleasure to have you here. Please, tell me about your personal story, what you like to play and, of course, what you like so much about Destiny that you stream and create content about it!  
Hello, Guardians! My name is Everson, known in the Destiny community as EversonMITOBR. My nametag was creat... Read more

24 Jun

Update: June 24, 2022 
Last month, we stated without reservation that all of us deserve to choose our own path and access the healthcare we need. The decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade cuts off millions of Americans from that access and leaves open the possibility of even further restrictions on life-saving healthcare for all of us.
Bungie is committed to ensuring that every one of our employees and their families have safe and affordable access to essential healthcare needs. As we continue to expand our digital-first workplace to more states, we will now be implementing a travel reimbursement program for any employee to use when they or a dependent cannot get access to the healthcare they need where they live. 
We remain undeterred in our commitment to stand up for reproductive choice and liberty.
If you would like to donate to organizations that support those rights, there are several listed below ... Read more

23 Jun

    Hippy on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re prepping for even more Trials of Osiris, this time with the return of Freelance so that solo players can get their pew-pew on. We’ve also got more patch notes to go over, as well as some mental health resources because we know the Season of the Haunted storyline can get a wee bit hefty.  

I don’t know about you all, but the Haunted storyline continues to hit us right in those feels. These are some heavy themes and players from all over the world have been sharing how the ongoing narrative has connected with them and their own stories. Because of that, we just want to make sure you are all OK, so if you would like any help when parsing through those feelings, we’ve listed some helpful resources for you further down in this TWAB. Use them or don’t, your choice but the option is there. Eyes up, Guardian, your mental health is important.     As mentioned, we’ve got some patch notes to go over, including which known issues are being tackle... Read more
(Not sure what this post is about?  Check out Living Bungie's Values as Engineers.)
You’re still here! Welcome! At this point you know what you’re here for, so let’s dive right in to...

Strong Ideas, Loosely Held
When we first went over the Engineering Values Handbook as a team, we ended up in a multi-day all-hands chat thread digging into this specific value. It turned out that we were all pretty aligned on "loosely held,” but we had many different interpretations of "strong ideas"! Was it about strong advocacy, ensuring ideas get fair hearings? Brave proposals that challenge conventional wisdom? Thoughtful proposals that avoid being hot takes? This section of the handbook gave us an opportunity to get into th... Read more

17 Jun

    Sam on News - Thread - Direct
Welcome to our newest Community Focus post! Are you someone who tosses everything into their vault during their Tower runs with the hope that you will “sort it all out later?” Anyone? Just me? Well today, we are chatting with someone who has helped me figure out which weapons to keep when I accidentally fill my vault up for the second time this Season, Critbuff!  
Hey, hi, hello! Thank you so much for hanging out with me today. Let’s start up with who are you, where are you from, and what got you into content creation? 
I’m Critbuff and I currently call Hawaii home, but that will change soon as my family and I close shop here and move back to the mainland for my next, and final, military assignment. I moved a lot for the U.S. Army over the last nineteen years, but if I had to call any specific city or place my “home,” it would be St. Louis, Missouri.  

I got into gaming when I was very young with the ...
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16 Jun

This week at Bungie, zones.  

Welcome back to the TWAB. How have you been? It might seem a bit odd to ask you that since we are speaking in this medium to a broad audience, but the important thing is we care about you and hope you are doing well. 
It’s another exciting week in the world of Destiny. The story continues to play out through Sever missions; no spoilers here but it’s been fun watching you experience the story as it unfolds week over week. This week’s Nightfall is a tough one in The Corrupted, but if you rise to the challenge, you have your first shot at earning Horror’s Least Pulse Rifle. On the PvP side, this week is your first chance to take advantage of short cooldowns with Solar 3.0 by having some fun in Mayhem. 

Control Those Zones 

Control is a staple mode in the Crucible. It’s a hybrid of a traditional deathmatch mode of racking up points by defeating enemies and an objective mode where you get points for ... Read more
(Not sure what this post is about?  Check out Living Bungie's Values as Engineers.)
On to the second Bungie Value!

Player Experience First
How do we live this as engineers?  This turned out to be a bit simpler than Teams are Stronger than Heroes—we think it’s just these four main points.
Our technology ambitions are led by our creative aspirations.
  • All our engineering work is ultimately in service of our games, including work on tools, data pipelines, game clients, operations, security, and servic...
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