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Update: June 24, 2022
Last month, we stated without reservation that all of us deserve to choose our own path and access the healthcare we need. The decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade cuts off millions of Americans from that access and leaves open the possibility of even further restrictions on life-saving healthcare for all of us.
Bungie is committed to ensuring that every one of our employees and their families have safe and affordable access to essential healthcare needs. As we continue to expand our digital-first workplace to more states, we will now be implementing a travel reimbursement program for any employee to use when they or a dependent cannot get access to the healthcare they need where they live.
We remain undeterred in our commitment to stand up for reproductive choice and liberty.
If you would like to donate to organizations that support those rights, there are several listed below that you might consider. We have updated the list to include Trans Lifeline as a possible resource to support.
May 4, 2022 At Bungie we believe that everyone has a right to choose their own path and that freedom is expressed across all facets of life. The leaked draft decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade represents a blow to freedom in America and is a direct attack on human rights.
By creating a divide between those who possess the fundamental right to make healthcare decisions that are right for them, and those who do not possess that same freedom, this decision, should it become final, will have far-reaching consequences that will be felt for generations across socio-economic lines.
Bungie is committed to safeguarding the freedom and privacy of its employees and providing support to all employees affected by this decision.
Standing up for reproductive choice and liberty is not a difficult decision to make, and Bungie remains dedicated to upholding these values.
If you would like to donate to organizations that support rights to healthcare, these are a few you might consider:
Last month, we stated without reservation that all of us deserve to choose our own path and access the healthcare we need. The decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade cuts off millions of Americans from that access and leaves open the possibility of even further restrictions on life-saving healthcare for all of us.
Bungie is committed to ensuring that every one of our employees and their families have safe and affordable access to essential healthcare needs. As we continue to expand our digital-first workplace to more states, we will now be implementing a travel reimbursement program for any employee to use when they or a dependent cannot get access to the healthcare they need where they live.
We remain undeterred in our commitment to stand up for reproductive choice and liberty.
If you would like to donate to organizations that support those rights, there are several listed below that you might consider. We have updated the list to include Trans Lifeline as a possible resource to support.
May 4, 2022 At Bungie we believe that everyone has a right to choose their own path and that freedom is expressed across all facets of life. The leaked draft decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade represents a blow to freedom in America and is a direct attack on human rights.
By creating a divide between those who possess the fundamental right to make healthcare decisions that are right for them, and those who do not possess that same freedom, this decision, should it become final, will have far-reaching consequences that will be felt for generations across socio-economic lines.
Bungie is committed to safeguarding the freedom and privacy of its employees and providing support to all employees affected by this decision.
Standing up for reproductive choice and liberty is not a difficult decision to make, and Bungie remains dedicated to upholding these values.
If you would like to donate to organizations that support rights to healthcare, these are a few you might consider: