Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

07 Dec


Thanks, Jeff! Passing this along to the team

06 Dec

05 Dec


Hi! We have found the issue causing this and will have a fix live in the next few days.

04 Dec


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Any similarity is wholly unintentional and we're evaluating changes in an upcoming release.

03 Dec


Originally posted by maxt0r

Including the loading screen? Some of my friends got theirs yesterday after the event. Thanks for the reply nonethelesss!

You should get it at the same time if you haven't received it yet :)


Hi u/BendyFazbearYT and thread! These will be granted early next week. Here's the tweet we put out mentioning this Thanks!

Chapter 5 of Fortnite Battle Royale brings a beautiful new Island, but not all is what it seems. “The Society” is pulling the strings in secret, and they’ve taken Peely in their spite. Join “The Underground” and take down The Society’s bosses — including its most notorious boss Valeria. To help you out, take the Island’s train, modify your weapons, and use a “Ballistic Shield” while shooting a pistol. Join the fight in Chapter 5 Season 1: Underground!

External link →

Chapter 5 of Fortnite Battle Royale brings a beautiful new Island, but not all is what it seems. “The Society” is pulling the strings in secret, and they’ve taken Peely in their spite. Join “The Underground” and take down The Society’s bosses — including its most notorious boss Valeria. To help you out, take the Island’s train, modify your weapons, and use a “Ballistic Shield” while shooting a pistol. Join the fight in Chapter 5 Season 1: Underground!

External link →

28 Nov


Mom of the Year! 🏆

22 Nov


Originally posted by AgwertzOnAndroid

u/CatBlips_Epic please report this to the team!

Thanks for the tag! I have passed it along.


Originally posted by Thileepan_2003

It's just a bug/glitch. Open fortnite, Then open game slidebar, Then select monster mode, and then click display settings, Then click high quality, Then restart. It is fixed now, thank you for trying to help me

Happy to hear it is fixed! Thanks for letting me know.

21 Nov


Hi! This may be related to this issue here and it will be fixed in a future update. Thanks!


Have you verified you are up to date with phone/OS updates? We have seen that this can be caused by having old drivers that haven't been updated.

16 Nov

08 Nov


Originally posted by Everdeezonmobile

My posts on this reddit subs is mostly geforceNow issues, but never has ever been effected. GeforceNow is very very good, but it just needs a bit of change to suit on mobile. Free version seems ok, but I have feeling that priority is forgotten. The graphics from the free version is not the same as priority. I really would like the free version graphics on my priority gameplays. Maybe make it so we can choose. I have contacted geforceNow, epicgames, reddit and twitter. I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel ignored and lost. I don’t who I have to contact anymore, I just really want mobile graphics on priority. u/CatBlips_Epic

Have you reached out to Nvidia? The settings you play with are set by Nvidia as it is streaming from a PC to you over the cloud. You can contact them here: Thanks!

03 Nov


Originally posted by Western-Creme9307

Happening to me, I'm on a galaxy s22+

Thanks! Was there anything you were doing before this happened? Was it when you returned to lobby after a game or did you load in like this?


Hey u/AgwertzOnAndroid are you experiencing this in BR as well?


Originally posted by Silly_Imagination619

Yaaa , you know you can post it as well, so they know it's a common bug not just me , it's really annoying

What devices are you both on?