Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV Dev Tracker

09 Nov

Agodak said: So... what war is this a "continuation" of exactly?

A continuation of their stupidity?  
To be clear (from my end):

I'm not saying the US should have a good template. Or that they should get a special template. All I'm saying is that the game mechanic (you get a free crappy template for light tanks when the tech is unlocked) isn't working for the US because the gateway techs are already acquired, but no template has light tanks in them. It's army XP they have to burn that another country with the same set up wouldn't have to burn, and it seems like an oversight.

08 Nov

Gefallener_Held said: I am not familiar with your YouTube channel. Please provide a link. 17 seems to be a good number that closely divides to most if the terrain widths, but that is rawz nit weighted against combat bonuses.

I've personally been running 16 with infantry divisions, but 36 with panzer formations. But I have toyed with going down to 10w for infantry which also brings them into line with the PARA I've been using.

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Maybe I should do a more detailed video on this. I figured everyone kind of already knew what they were doing.

One of the weird things about some of the more optimum widths is that they are odd numbers (15 and 35 in particular). This means that in order to get that width, some combinations are no longer valid because now certain kinds of battalions are in different categories.

Take this division as an example:


So, this division template is slowly transitioning to MECH. Pretty typical.


It's 34 width. How can I get 35 width? Add a motorized AA? I can't, because that's a mobile combat support battalion and won't fit in a column with the MOT or MECH. I could replace the TDs, but I'm using howitzer ta... Read more
Yeah, file a bug report. It looks like you can't get a free template for light tanks since you already have the first light tank tech and IW tanks. 1936 wouldn't open it up for you, which is silly in context.  

06 Nov

I sold the starting Soviet stockpile of light tanks to the Germans. How's that for a tank treaty? :D

I think captured some of them during Barbarossa, only to sell them to both China and Japan. This is why I'm not allowed to have nice things.  

03 Nov

Sorry, but the Forums is English only  
billcorr said: +5% naval targeting OR +15% range

Probably prefer the range. And I completely misread that tooltip. I was thinking it only applied to MiG and wouldn't be avialable to Ilyusian.  

02 Nov

Given the 10% floor on consumer goods, I can find ways to mitigate the goods going to Denmark via other means that would normally be wasted.  
billcorr said: The 100% research bonus helps with detecting submarines, too.

You could hypothetically merge plants, grab some radar modules, then LL NAVs to others. Or sell them.

Riga is a top priority to hold anyway. But I wonder if the effort is in any way worthwhile for the Soviets. Most sub attacks against them occur in areas light airframes can’t reach without being based in Allied territory. I don’t think that bonus would work on medium airframes.  
billcorr said: What MIO is best for naval anti-submarine warfare?

It's a trick question, Bill.

Submarines are so vulnerable to naval strikes that I would think MIOs with the most range boosts are the most relevant. Just sprinkle in some detection on top.  

01 Nov

marcelo r. r. said: Breakthrough is something that i stacked "unitentionally"(not necessary pursued it)..., just by playing picking everything related to blitzkrieg...

This is why some players tweak doctrines and tank design to optimize in other ways. There is a point where too much breakthrough isn't helping as much as you might think. If your breakthrough is consistently twice as high as the sum total of incoming fire, the excess isn't helping.

Then again, it is sometimes difficult to predict how much incoming fire they are going to tak... Read more
Christiane said: I would like to collaborate on a new version of HOI that would take economic constraints into account. I suggest that it starts in 1750 and goes to 1964.

At that point, you might as well instead make a save game converter from EU4 to Vic3 to HOI4.  

Command has sent through the patch for 1.13.5 and with it comes loads of bug fixes, many balance changes to Sweden alongside some to Norway, plenty of bugfixes and gameplay tweaks!

Read below for the full patch notes!
Spoiler: Patch Notes 1.13.5 ##################################
# Balance

- MIOs assigned to research can now be changed in the middle of research.
- Added manpower bonus for RK Nordland focus.
- All MIOs that have participated in a research now get a proportional amount of funds when the research is complete.
- Sweden: Alva and Gunnar Myrdal is now available for all ideologies when completing Stadsbarn.
- Sweden: Hungershield crisis is now active if less than 68% stability (from 65%).
- Sweden: Removin... Read more

31 Oct

HugsAndSnuggles said: It always worked that way. Damage reduction of AA also "caps out" fairly fast due to being a X^0.2 function - hence the reason AA is only worth it on capitals.

At least admirals commanding submarines can gain fly swatter even with no AA modules allowed on subs. :cool:... Read more

30 Oct

RELee said: View attachment 1038423

I didn’t even know it was an option. Maybe I should…  
stormsand9 said: If only we could add football teams as support companies to our garrison templates that help increase compliance...

The assault support battalion from Italy's focus tree is basically European football hooligans given explosives and told to support combat in any way they deem necessary.  

29 Oct

To add to what others are saying, I can have 15 MIC on infantry kits as Germany, and I still keep them on the starting infantry kit and don't bother researching the better ones simply because I want to keep that production efficiency going.

Keep in mind a few things about infantry kit production:

1) Swapping to a new type of kit kills production efficiency.
2) Higher tiers of kits cost more to build.
3) They use more steel.
4) Germany has a ton of occupations to manage. You probably need kits for those, but the type of kit used by garrisons is irrelevant. The worst infantry kit is fine for shooting partisans in France and Yugoslavia.  

28 Oct

Please use the non-English forums.

Thread closed.  
Are the bugged or just representative of stupid Mussolini behavior?

I've received a mission to occupy Greece.... after Greece is already in my faction. o_O