
Overwatch Dev Tracker

21 Feb


Originally posted by S4RC45TIC

It feels like it's super easy to progress in ranks at the moment.

4/6 players on my team have currently gone to GM in the past week, and none of us deserve it

There are two issues at play here. The first is that we have reduced SR decay this Season and increased the rate that SR decay is removed when you win games in preparation for removing this system entirely for Season 4. This means that players are reaching their true ranks more quickly than they ever have in OW2. OW2 really does have a different metagame and emphasizes a different skillset than OW1 did, so it is inevitable that some players will find themselves higher ranked in OW2 than they did in OW1.

The second is that our first two seasons had a small amount of unintentional SR deflation, so we've mostly corrected that issue in Season 3. At the highest ranks (like GM where you and your friends are) we've learned we had an inaccuracy in our formula that resulted in an overcorrection.


Originally posted by Chirdaki

Can you show unmirrored win rates for all heroes across all ranks? I always like seeing that data even though it is rarely shown.

One of the things we are currently working on is bringing the community into the fold more on the data we are seeing. We want to inform our players as best we can in order to have better discussions around balance changes and the reasons behind them.

That said, we don’t want to be in a place where we publish all current live data as that can have very unwanted meta effects. If players feel stuck playing meta heroes at times, having official live data could only further cement those sorts of feelings, even if players can have success on a wide range of heroes. Data only tells part of the story when considering the experience of playing with or against a hero.

So what y’all will continue to see are some data shared in livestreams, retrospectives that tell the story of hero performance over a season, and quick updates on the top performers in a particular meta. Hopefully these initiatives start to spark more fruitful conversations surrounding hero balance. We’ll als...

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Originally posted by Diogodinis00

What does the team think about heroes passives, and are you open to change them in the future?

Hero passives are super interesting because they often can define heroes and actively change the way the kit is played. Since many passives have fewer restrictions than active abilities (due to the lack of cooldowns), certain passives become the defining feature of the kit. Lucio's Wall Ride is a great example of a passive that completely changes how a character would play. If he lacked wall riding, his style of supporting via harassment and displacement would be significantly hindered, and he would likely focus a lot more on getting value from Crossfade. It's also just super fun to have unrestricted strong movement. Other characters's passives might be less defining compared to Lucio's, but they still can push the player towards playing in specific ways. Sombra's Opportunist pushes players towards eliminating critically injured enemies, but it doesn't define her gameplay loop like Lucio's Wall Ride does.

When it comes to changing hero passives, I think everyone's open to...

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18 Jan


Hey all, I want to apologize for the confusion around this feature and the fact that it's currently overzealous. The intent behind this system was to reduce the instances of voice lines being used to annoy other players and to ensure that players still get to enjoy their own voice lines. We all know how it doesn't feel great to try to pause in the middle of a match to squelch or block another player, so this was intended to help reduce that pressure.

Speaking to the system being overzealous, it's currently counting cases where you only hear your own voice lines as spam. That's a mistake on my part that I've corrected for Season 3. This means that if you never stop spamming voice lines in game now, you won't be heard again after a short time.

There is one inaccuracy about the system in this post though. There is no concept of a permanent mute in this system; but you can effectively cause this if you never stop spamming because of the aforementioned mistake. It'...

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17 Dec


Originally posted by darkfighter3000

I would love to see ult status voice line to be allowed while dead since it helps mercy decide to whether to res. I'm saying this both as a mercy player and when I'm playing other roles. Of course, I can press TAB and check the ult charge but that's one extra thing to do in the midst of chaos.

This should be one of the ones that's allowed now. I'll double check.

16 Dec


Originally posted by Proof-Importance-890

Please consider removing the feature where sudden mouse movements bring up the ping menu, no matter what the delay is set to in settings. This throws off my aim so much when I attempt to ping an enemy I'm fighting, and results in unintentionally pinging "I'm attacking!" or "I am defending!" when it is not really the case.

Thanks for the feedback! I'd guess most players are not aware of this feature so that's really perceptive! We agree it was too aggressive in season 1, so we made it harder to shortcut into the ping wheel for season 2 through this method.

If it's still happening to you in season 2 in scenarios where you find it undesirable please let us know!


Originally posted by Slamfire_ow

Thank you for the explanation! Really cool to see behind the scenes on stuff like this so thank you for braving reddit to tell us.

I always used "On my way" while I was dead to signify I'm not there yet. An option like "I'm not with you" could be really helpful in that context. I feel like the only dead comms that have been used toxically were "I need healing/help" and "Thanks!" for the most part.

Edit: "Nice Shot!" "Great pass!" and "Wow!" have also been used toxically ;)

Great ideas! We will keep developing this system and we'll be looking to make improvements like what you're suggesting here.


Hey all, I'll start by saying the issues you're seeing here are my fault and they are mostly not intentional. When I was building the Ping System I built it on top of the Comms system from OW1, and some of these issues are because of things I missed in that upgrade.

The most obviously unfortunate one is "Group Up" saying "I'm on my way". This was a feature in OW1 (it said "I'm with you" IIRC), but it only happened within 40 meters when you were aiming at an ally. I accidentally bypassed a check, and that distance defaulted to 500 meters instead of 40. This functionality is disabled entirely for the mid-season patch, but I'd like to bring back in a minor way in the future.

The other bug that this thread focuses on is harder to diagnose, but we have a bug in Season 2 right now where if you open the ping wheel and then cancel it (with right mouse or with B on xbox, circle on playstation), *then* use the comms wheel you fire a ping like "Going In". This is fixed in Seas...

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13 Dec


This person can no longer play Overwatch. This type of behavior isn’t welcome in our game.

09 Dec



17 Nov


Hey there, sorry for this bug, I know it's a frustrating one. We have a more robust change in the upcoming Season 2 release. Apologies we couldn't get this fully fixed in the update today.


Originally posted by No32

(link to patch notes)

no link to patch notes


Whoops will fix.


Originally posted by ValkyroMusic

There could some aspect of it I'm unaware of, but it's totally possible they just felt the need to explicitly say that to avoid a bunch of uninformed people complaining to them about it.

Yes, we felt like being very explicit about how this works was important to avoid any confusion.

09 Nov


Originally posted by DDzxy

Not entirely true, in custom games like Gun Game when Echo copies you, then you quickly get a new hero, echo will remain that hero even if you changed yours.

I think it has to do with memory issues.

This is correct. It’s a performance constraint.

05 Nov

29 Oct


Originally posted by BaseLordBoom

I mean game design is hard and technical issues are bound to happen. If this becomes a repeated thing then I'll be upset but as a first time I can only get so upset especially when they are willing to own up to their f**kup.

Thanks for the reasonable take, it's appreciated. Having these changes delayed is frustrating, for sure. We'll continue to work to do better in the future.

Gameplay data, including hero abilities, is compiled into game assets that exist on both the client and the server. When we change abilities, even simple numerical values, we need to have both the client and server updated to match. This may seem overly complicated, but I'd highly recommend watching a GDC session we did in 2017 that dives into this system in depth before making that assumption!

When we need to update both the client and server, the simplest way is to release a new version. We release new versions every few weeks, but given Cross Play and Cross Progression, these releases require scheduling. We can urgently add a rele...

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Originally posted by rubenburgt

Let me try something what i haven't tried before.


u/BillWarnecke could you take a look at this issue? It has been in the game since the release, we hear nothing about it and it would be great if it could be as reliable as how it was in Overwatch 1.

Hey there, we have a fix for this coming in the next patch. We're aware of many bugs with Ice Wall, and have been working to address them. Apologies for the impact to your games. :(

23 Oct


The info in this thread is correct. Almost all players go into the cross play queues, so being in a platform specific queue will be a much longer wait.

I’ll see if we can add some messaging in the client that warns you if you’re set this way.


Hey there we’re aware of this bug and have a fix coming in the upcoming patch this week. Sorry for the hassle.

17 Oct


We’ve seen reports like this and we’re looking into it. Sorry for the hassle.