
Overwatch Dev Tracker

03 May

18 Mar


Originally posted by JC10101

Ye If I had to guess they want to see how doubling up on certain abilities change the flow of the game. Maybe something like double antis or double Mei wall.

No way they would actually let double picks happens for real

Yes, mainly a look into the world of some ability overlap

15 Mar


Hey all, my apologies for this issue. We were testing some changes to Group Respawn in the midseason patch and intended to revert them, but I failed to undo an important element.

The bug we have right now is that if any hero could be Group Respawned, all heroes will be Group Respawned (on a given team - the bug doesn't affect the other team). This is bad, because it means your respawn time can be averaged several more times than intended, leading to the 20+ second respawn times players are talking about in this thread. If you see a longer black screen when respawning, that's caused by the bug. Fortunately Group Respawn is still disabled in Overtime, so at least this won't stack as some players in this thread have hypothesized.

We're working on a fix, but it won't be ready before the weekend.

22 Feb


Originally posted by Kxr1der

What this sub took from this interview: "Mercy mains were getting boosted!"

What this sub should have taken from this interview: There's a reason the rankings only take wins and losses into account and not performance. They tried the other way and it's a mess because stats don't always translate into skill in a team shooter

Replying here too since the most upvoted post changed. Yeah, it's a really nuanced topic and the example I used wasn't great because this was a problem for our whole cast and Mercy was not the biggest problem.

Just to be clear to anyone reading this after only watching this clip, this was a system we removed many years ago in OW1 and the effects of the problems it caused were erased long ago too.


Originally posted by banethor88

Healthy changes all around. Except for Widow - why increase her effective range even more?

I still feel like snipers remain a part of the DPS design that's quite unsolved - it makes the game quite un-interactive especially with a mercy pocket where one-shots are still quite likely.

Some of this was for Widow duels - there were spots we saw Widows dueling each other (from statue to spawn on King's Row was one sightline we used) and just not dying even though we felt the distance should have resulted in a kill. Should still be safe from one-shot when playing 250hp heroes further back (behind car on first point, ledge above is fine too for King's Row for example). If it ends up shifting her effective range too much, it could get rolled back.

21 Feb


Originally posted by blizz_winter

Couldn't have said it better myself, other than to just clarify this was OW1 only problem and was fixed years ago.

Oh and I'm a single Winter, not plural Winters as this post title implies.


Originally posted by galvanash

Everyone who played at the time knows and remembers this, but let’s put this into context.

It was a bug, it was only really a thing for a few seasons, and it was not all Mercy players only ones that had oddly low heal stats but were still winning games.

It wasn’t a problem at all anymore after Season 8 when they removed performance based SR for all games above Diamond.

Couldn't have said it better myself, other than to just clarify this was OW1 only problem and was fixed years ago.

16 Feb


Originally posted by zeefeet

Is this a JQ buff?? Or just a bug fix?

Her melee was only dealing 30 damage instead of 40 (the new increased amount)

08 Feb


Originally posted by Zakainu

Welp fellow Wrecking Ball enjoyers, looks like we're not getting anything this season.

Interested in trying out the new Pharah and seeing how all these balance changes shake out though.

Trending in the right direction here design wise for a smaller set of changes. Hopefully won't have y'all waiting too long, this won't be a Roadhog in terms of timeline.

18 Dec


Thank you so much for bringing this forged version of a real customer service ticket to our attention!  Given that there is a real customer service ticket number with the same digits used in this fake ticket, we think it's pretty likely that this post was written with the intent to hurt faith in the reporting system by someone that didn't learn their lesson.  This type of forgery is new for us on OW2, so we'll be watching more carefully for this type of thing going forward!

For any real players reading this that have seen messages similar to these, we're working to improve our process for what chat is included in the chat history section.  We know we can do better here when it comes to showing the most disruptive language that was used that resulted in the account action.

12 Dec


Originally posted by Haatreacties

Ana has been a hot topic recently, with this being only amplified by Mauga. Ana is currently needed to keep some of the current tanks in check. How are you planning to curb Ana's complaints and incredibky high pick rate while making sure some of the tanks currently being held back by anti dont profit too much from ana nerfs?

Or are currently no Ana changes on the horizon? Or are you planning to nerf some tanks in the same patch as the patch with the Ana changes?

Anti-Heal is a useful mechanic for the overall health of the game as it helps to ensure that healing never gets too far out of control. The complaints around it feeling oppressive are understandable (as debuffs are never something players enjoy being affected by) and we'll be looking for ways to soften its impact while keeping Ana a viable hero.

The simplest solution here is just decreasing the duration of the effect though there is certainly a point where it swings from feeling OP to not useful enough if the time is too low to really capitalize on.

The reaction around it does also suggest that healing is probably too impactful overall so we'll be looking to address that in the near future as well, whether that is handled in the case of individual heroes like Roadhog Take a Breather or more systemically.


Originally posted by Lichtboys

How is Mauga performing in each rank? Higher or lower then expected? Granted it is very early, but I’m just curious

Throwing this on here late, but is it intended that health packs don’t stop maugas burn? Considering it stops other damage over time effects it kind of throws me off

Very well at all rank thresholds, one of the reasons we are putting out some initial changes today to lower his damage output (which also affects his sustain).

During the BlizzCon trial Mauga was actually performing much better than community perception, but there were some issues with his survivability and things like his head hitbox size. We pushed him a bit further with the understanding that we would act quick if things weren't in line with our overall balance goals. Today's nerfs should give us a better look at where he will end up once he enters Competitive.


Originally posted by ParanoidDrone

Mauga seems very feast or famine at the moment -- when he works, he works really well, but when he doesn't work, he's basically useless. He also demands a lot of attention from his support line, to the point that it feels like you have to healbot him or else he'll evaporate the instant you look away. Has the team noticed similar patterns in their data?

The way Mauga was designed invites players to get up into the thick of the fight all together with his team. Overrun encourages players to land directly on top of their opponents and his dual-fire mode is more effective at close ranges. Cardiac Overdrive and Cage Fight invite his teammates to stay close to him to take advantage of their defensive benefits. This can cause Mauga's to go into a lot of situations that are more precarious and will result in him struggling if his team isn't on the same page. Mauga's abilities are versatile and have uses in situations where they don't get full value. Overrun, for example, lets players run away from a fight with damage resistance, so they can poke from farther away with alternating his single-fire chain guns. As time goes on and players explore Mauga's kit more, more nuanced uses of his abilities should hopefully make playing as him less polarizing. His abilities also have a lot of tuning points in regards to both how he helps himself and ...

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Originally posted by starfieldnovember

What hero has the most amount of final blows on Mauga?

Two Maugas enter a Cage Fight, one leaves? both leave? There's a lot of Mauga right now, more than any other hero. He's responsible for many deaths, even his own.


Originally posted by Icedmanta

There's a lot of discussion right now around the way that Mauga was buffed coming into the live game, specifically how he became more oppressive against his good matchups, and still gets shut down with relative ease by certain heroes in the cast. I personally find this balance philosophy dangerous, as it sidelines possible adaptation against bad matchups in favor of enabling the "hard counterswap" mindset. I don't think there should be no counters, having varying matchups is what makes a balanced game fun, but it feels a little extreme right now.

I'm really unsure what changes could alleviate this issue - what tools does the balance team use to evaluate matchups between heroes, and which knobs do you twist to change the way a game feels from each hero's perspective?

An important aspect of our hero design philosophy is that heroes should have clear strengths and weaknesses to create more varied and interesting gameplay. When we look to buff a hero for example, we want to keep this in mind and typically try to focus on a heroes intended strengths rather than clearing away their weaknesses.

We do want to avoid counters being too easy and effective without adequate counterplay options. There is a broad goal of making sure every hero choice is viable in some capacity and feels good to play, while hopefully not feeling too unfair to play against.

Some direct matchups are not reasonably close, like Winston vs Roadhog, but we don't strictly balance off of 1v1 matchups as Overwatch is a team game (Winston has a good chance to win by going after everyone that is not Roadhog for example).

Generally we've found that when the heroes are balanced closely enough, individual player performance and teamwork has significantly more impa...

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Originally posted by Spedrayes

Can we get more details on the hero bans system you are looking at? Would it be a single ban per team? Or would we get one for each role? Would there also be protects? I've always loved the idea and I think it's great you're giving it a chance!

Want to clarify here that the first time we do this it will be for a limited time as an experiment. With that said, we're still discussing how exactly it will work in the match flow and where we put this experiment. Should everyone get a ban against one hero in their role? Should this experiment actually run in competitive for a weekend or should it get its own queue? How long is this phase before you select heroes, how much time does a team need to feel like they are strategizing but not so long it significantly increases the match length?

Those are the sorts of questions we talk about in our design meetings around this. I think any sort of ban system in Overwatch has the chance to be fairly polarizing, especially when your main gets banned. The point of the experiment will be to gather some initial feedback and make sure that if we ever move forward with permanently adding bans, we've covered all our bases.


Originally posted by DreamPolice2235

Thoughts on potentially swapping his miniguns from ammo to a heat system like Orisa?

Right now, there's not a strong desire to potentially make such a swap. Heat systems give significantly more damage uptime compared to traditional ammo systems. They're functionally just a constant reload you can cancel at anytime, unless you hit 0 ammo. The reload time gives players a window of opportunity to avoid his fire.


Originally posted by darthnick426

Idk if this will be seen but, I know it was mentioned that there are a certain number of heroes that the team is looking at for reworks or kit tune ups. You mentioned Wrecking Ball as being at the top of that list. Is Reaper being looked at for a rework at all? I love his current kit but he does seem prime for a rework since he has an available ability slot.

And then on an unrelated note: any plans for a Talon Heavy themed Mauga skin? I would love to have that one.

Thanks for taking the time to do the Q&A!

Reaper is also on that list! Had our first brainstorm and have aligned on our overall goals for what we want to see with Reaper's abilities. One of those goals is modernizing Reaper's kit, Shadow Step and Wraith Form standing out there.

We may also explore some new abilities for Reaper (on the right-click), but don't want to take the space just because it's available. If we add something there, we'll want it to give him slightly more decision making in-combat than he has currently.


Originally posted by hello_biscuit

mauga's ult is pretty interesting in that almost nothing can escape from it- afaik, the only ways out are sym TP and lifeweaver pull (also emp if you count that as "escaping")- how does the team determine which abilities can "counter" which ults? is it more about consistency between ults, the power levels of each ability, the heroes that are likely to be played in matchups, technical limitations of the game, or is it a little less premeditated and a little more played by ear?

This is usually trying to be consistent with game mechanics. We do make exceptions when necessary for the sake of game balance, but the less often we need to do that the easier it is for players to learn and understand these many interactions across multiple heroes.

Mauga's ultimate tethers are applying what we internally call "Mobility Lock" which disables movement skills. Other things that use this mobility lock are Junkrat Steel Trap, Cassidy Magnetic Grenade hinder effect, Zarya and Sigma ultimates. For gameplay consistency, you should be able to use Symmetra Teleporter and Lifeweaver's Lifegrip against those abilities.


Originally posted by KrustiBread

What are the team’s thoughts on Mauga’s Cardiac Overdrive currently? It often feels like he is too tanky when the ability’s active but too fragile when it’s inactive/countered, along with the visual effects being hard to discern at times.

We are reducing his damage, and those changes went live in this morning's hotfix patch (https://overwatch.blizzard.com/news/patch-notes/). This change will inadvertently affect how much life steal he receives during Cardiac Overdrive, making him a little less tanky.