Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

10 Dec


Now do it with a HOTAS, as we're more flight sim fans here. ;)


Tell me about it, I have to wait until the 14th in New Zealand!

08 Dec


Not on release, might occur later! This was just for the cinematic. Sorry to get your hopes up. :(


Originally posted by meh_______________1

Also wasting my night for what will likely be 10 seconds of the RON 1.0 reveal. The only other game I give a shit about is Dredge, which should have 2 awards already but got nothing.

EDIT: The reveal was pretty good honestly, left me optimistic for what the story mode has in store for us. Glad I can turn this shit off.

The Dredge guys are from New Zealand too, which is where Ready or Not started. Saw them at a cafe, was pretty cool


Originally posted by Ligma_Bawls123

I have been following this game's development for so long seeing it hit 1.0 is crazy.

Same hahaha

06 Dec

04 Dec


That's beautiful work!! Nicely done!


Originally posted by Merc8ninE

Are they twins?

We have five suspect model variations and a few more suspects than that on the level - unfortunately you're occasionally gonna get some clones running around, but it's something we can look at as we go into the new year.


Originally posted by Roixiong

I want this now



Originally posted by Sauciest_Salmon

When we getting the M14

Probably something down the line -- we considered adding it as a surprise for finishing the game but it does need a bit of testing we don't have the bandwidth for right now :(

03 Dec


Just a note as well, no suppression because Hunter has God mode on -- we didn't remove it. :)

01 Dec


800ml of Benadryl deep

29 Nov


Originally posted by QworterSkwotter

Go ahead keep edging me Void

no edging allowed

28 Nov


Originally posted by MitokBarks

Yaaaaay! 10/10 GOTY in that case. Good guy game dev

Well you've gotta like the changes first before making that call but I hope ya'll really dig what we've done.

27 Nov


Originally posted by leoboard

Definetly Not, I think you will be able to unlock them via mission progression

Correct. Unlockable thru progression.