Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

30 Mar


Originally posted by Wheredoesthetoastgo2

how many hearts does that guy have?

Nothing but love baby

29 Mar


There'll be a mix of genres and instrumentation, in the hopes of providing each level with a unique feel. The less intense moments, such as the action or the calm before the storm, won't be particularly "classical" or orchestral. The last thing I'd want is the music taking you out of the moment and completely clashing with the gameplay (-and I'm not talking about the lovely Baroque music vs modern violence juxtaposition as in the Bach piece in the original trailer), but we also want more depth than interchangeable DnB combat tracks in each level.

28 Mar


A robocop mod would be pretty sweet though

27 Mar


These are great!


The red outline is a nice touch!

26 Mar


Originally posted by TacticalHog

I think that's what he means, 'relocating cuffed people possible?'

In SWAT this was done by nudging them, you could walk them into rooms I think.

For ready or not, moving cuffed people isn't planned, but it could be possible in the future if it's required. I know that in gunfights you might not want your restrained civilians to be killed just because you couldn't move them.

25 Mar


Originally posted by -MasterBaiter

PvE (coop) planned for alpha ?

I am honestly not interested in PvP

PvE and PvP currently


Originally posted by BoHjalmar

I have a friend with GTX 1050 2 GB and Ryzen 3 2200G. Will he be able to play the game?

Without a doubt. Whether or not it gets 60fps on the maximum settings, I can't say with certainty.


Originally posted by Jerry56kkk

Oh well hrt is fine enough for me much love from kuwait fellas<3

Who knows what the future holds for items in-game. All the best out there, man!


Nice! Loving the cuffs

24 Mar


You mean being able to nudge kneeling down suspects/civilians?


We may go physical at some point for the kick of it. But right now it's an expense that wouldn't provide any benefit outside of ultra-supportive and excited people such as yourself!

Eventually we'd like to open up a store with some posters and other goodies featuring Ready Or Not's artwork, but that isn't really an answer to your question I guess.

Thank you for your kind words.


Originally posted by SeRifx7

They plan on keeping Alpha open as much as possible until it goes to beta. I'm sure that we will get access to pvp as soon as it's stable if not right away.

This. :)

23 Mar


To answer this question succinctly would require quite the essay to accomplish, but definitely the biggest thing that we've done since July is optimization. It wouldn't be correct to take preorders without giving people the minimum specs of the game, and we wanted to make sure that we were showing off what an optimized (not downgraded) build of the game was going to perform like. Granted, there are still obviously some bugs that we are going to address, it is in pre-alpha after all. ;)

20 Mar


They can be used at all times.

16 Mar


We hear your concerns loud and clear. It's been a week since the trailer and preorders have started and we've adjusted the Supporter Edition to give people more rewards for their support of us. We haven't stopped working on the game in the meantime, so naturally we've been a bit busy. If we add in another tier, it's going to take a bit more time and analysis before we can work out the details of it and provide something presentable.

15 Mar


Post removed. Please review our rules before posting.

11 Mar


Originally posted by eliteranger4

And also, do my ears deceive me but did I hear a Swat officer radio whisper Suspect is DOA, if it is I just like to confirm it was actually present in the trailer.

Yeah, you can encounter DOAs.