Space Haven

Space Haven Dev Tracker

23 Jul


Originally posted by redhotchilipopper

thanks for the reply!

Really glad to hear that the team is thinking about different weapon possibilities.

I do understand the tricky nature of fully working claimable ships being a big jump in power for the player. My idea kinda revolved around the whole Refugee system you guys are bringing in and I thought would it not be possible to have something like Refugee ships that you could trade back to the factions for some reputation or rewards or we could even build on the idea of the refugee system, say for example you respond to a distress beacon and take on board a refugee, you could repair up their ship for them and get it running again and return the refugee to their ship for some reputation gains. I think gaining reputation with the factions is currently quite limited unless you're willing to chuck a lot of resources at it and this would offer a fresh avenue to gain those reputations.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

These are interesting ideas, thanks! =)


Thanks for the awesome feedback! =)

More turrets are coming, we will try to give them some special functions and usability. Claimable ships are tricky since they are such huge pools of resources, and fully funtioning ships would simply spring the player leaps forward in progression. But we can see how it develops with time.

We need to get the random ship generator functioning a bit better to create more derelicts and claimable ships.

We'll put this under the hat! Thanks again for the feedback. =)

22 Jul


Originally posted by CorwinOfAmber72

is this out on the experimental server yet?

Nope, not yet. Coming soon =)

17 Jul


Many thanks for the encouraging words! =)


Originally posted by TheDarkMaster13

Do the devs check the discord? I was going to suggest we should be able to repatriate corpses to factions, say if we find them while searching derelicts. It'd be somewhat similar to prisoners, but offer less reward.

We check both here and Discord. Thanks for the suggestion =)

16 Jul

    Aksel on Steam - Thread - Direct

Greetings, Spacefarer!
This is the second report on the progress of Alpha 9 - If you want to read the first report head on over to: Read more

14 Jul


Originally posted by Veldron

Only picked up the game last week, after the youtuber Rimmy showed it off. Love the direction the devs are taking it!

Glad you like it! Stay tuned for news =)

13 Jul


This is awesome! =)

06 Jul

[Image: 2506754bd2187d8a1b69cb9a2451d5a3_origina...9f77859f0e]

We're super happy with how the Early Access release has gone. It has been a very stressful time, with the release day being especially stressful. Things always seem to happen at the last moment, we found some bugs and got frantic, there were some obstacles and panic moments but it all worked out in the end.

Space Haven soared like a rocket at release and was within the top three global top sellers within an hour of release. It stayed there for all of its first day, and within top 10 probably the first week. All in all the game is definitely a success and we're so happy to finally succeed w... Read more

02 Jul


Originally posted by _Psilo_

Is the game still planed to be released on mobile eventually? I suppose it'd be a long way of, but is it still in the plans?

We've kept that option open, but there's questions we cannot know answers to before we try to find answers for them. Fitting this game into small screens being one such question, will that be possible and how enjoyable will it be. Another one regarding the platforms themselves: Will something change with how the platforms support the game engine we use, causing new problems or making it impossible even.

We'll try but it's impossible to say how it will end up in the end, we have to focus on the current platforms now to bring the game further, and once it is closer to being ready for a full release that's when we'll look into other platforms as well =)

    Aksel on Steam - Thread - Direct

We've been working on the first new features for the upcoming Alpha 9 update, and it is time to show what we've been able to produce so far! We're introducing Space Hazards and since one of the hazards affect crew members directly we found a good opportunity to add some new implementations towards adding a bit more depth to characters as well.

Space Hazards we're currently working on:
  • Solar Flares
  • Micrometeoroids
  • Siren Worlds

Space Hazards are represented with icons on top of sectors in the starmap. This will allow you to see what you are getting yourself in to =)

Solar Flares ... Read more

26 Jun


The pop-up itself has an auto-open toggle in the pop-up box. You can turn that off if you don't want the pop-up to auto-open each time it comes.

If you want to remove them completely you can do that from the game customization menu (Where you select difficulty). It's a "tutorial hints" toggle in the edit box.

23 Jun


Originally posted by Hight0werZ

im running linux bodhi, havent used windows in 2 years now. Would that make a difference?

thanks for taking the time!!

Windows 10 is problematic regarding OpenGL 2, but Linux can be problematic in other ways since its hard to know how various distros work with the game. Its tested on Ubuntu.

So impossible to say if it will work or not, but ensuring OpenGL 2 support is working would be great to do before purchasing the game =)


Problem might be OpenGL 2.0 support if you are running windows 10, since Windows 10 does not support OpenGL 2.0 of old Intel integrated graphics cards. Might be able to overcome that with instructions here:

Read more

20 Jun


Not yet! But I hope you enjoyed the story at least :)

17 Jun