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I know the dev's sometimes read this sub so I want to start off by saying thank you for making such an awesome game!

I wanted to lay out my thoughts so far and things that I would love to see added to the game. Let me know what you think.

Claimable Ships

I think the current system of claimable ships works in quite an unusual way. Most of the ships that are claimable have such a bare minimum structure and functionality but say for example a Military Alliance ship that gets killed by boarding pirates in your sector and their ship becomes abandoned, these ships are often in perfect working order with all systems active and it would be nice to perhaps claim these ships with maybe even future options of trading them back to the corresponding faction that lost them for a reward or reputation increase.

Ship Variation

I would like to see some ship traits/bonuses for running certain types of ships. I.E If i wanted to run a small Frigate style ship (1tile) then it should have some perks to it to make it a more viable option. I haven't thought too much about what these traits or perks would be but maybe something along the lines of XX% chance to be missed by incoming weapons for a small ship.


I think the game has a fantastic opportunity to add in various ship weapon types for example,

  • Laser Cannons (Deals High damage to Shields than Hull)
  • Rockets (Deals High damage to Hull than Shields)
  • and the current guns in the game could be like the all rounders that do medium damage to each.

This gives us more options to customise our ships and their load-outs. With something like this id like to see a revisit to the current 'System point' system to allow more versatility and options, perhaps a way to increase the scope to have more points and perhaps even some ship bonuses for having fewer points as mentioned earlier with ship perks/traits.

That's all my thoughts for now - this is not a negative post by any means. This game is incredible and through my many hours of play so far i couldn't help but ponder these thoughts of how it could be even more so. Also - Alpha 9 looks awesome so far! Strong Additions.

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about 4 years ago - /u/secretUser_ - Direct link

Thanks for the awesome feedback! =)

More turrets are coming, we will try to give them some special functions and usability. Claimable ships are tricky since they are such huge pools of resources, and fully funtioning ships would simply spring the player leaps forward in progression. But we can see how it develops with time.

We need to get the random ship generator functioning a bit better to create more derelicts and claimable ships.

We'll put this under the hat! Thanks again for the feedback. =)

about 4 years ago - /u/secretUser_ - Direct link

Originally posted by redhotchilipopper

thanks for the reply!

Really glad to hear that the team is thinking about different weapon possibilities.

I do understand the tricky nature of fully working claimable ships being a big jump in power for the player. My idea kinda revolved around the whole Refugee system you guys are bringing in and I thought would it not be possible to have something like Refugee ships that you could trade back to the factions for some reputation or rewards or we could even build on the idea of the refugee system, say for example you respond to a distress beacon and take on board a refugee, you could repair up their ship for them and get it running again and return the refugee to their ship for some reputation gains. I think gaining reputation with the factions is currently quite limited unless you're willing to chuck a lot of resources at it and this would offer a fresh avenue to gain those reputations.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

These are interesting ideas, thanks! =)

about 4 years ago - /u/secretUser_ - Direct link

Originally posted by umbr360

To bounce off of OPs bit about trading the ships back to the original faction and your point about actually claiming such ships being tricky due to springing players forward... you could actually have a little feature here that could really change the way the game plays (at least for the way I play).

Take OPs scenario where a military Alliance ship is killed by pirates and the ship is abandoned. Perhaps you could either choose to scrap it all as you would now - OR - give an option to offer it back to the original faction for a substantial (but more easily managed to avoid breaking gameplay) reward. With a catch.

You'd have to wait X number of days for that faction to send a crew to reclaim it, and each day provides X% chance of more pirates coming that you need to fend off. Jumping away would immediately abandon your offer/reward.

At the moment my gameplay largely consists of jump in - mine/scrap a derelict ship asap and then jump away again to keep hunting for resources. This would offer a gamble, and a roleplaying feature...am I better staying put for X days for a guaranteed shipment of a good amount of water, or am I better off continuing my hunt for it as before.

P.s - like OP, loving the game so far!

Thank you for the feedback and encouraging words. We will think about this =)