
Stationeers Dev Tracker

02 Feb

This hotfix addresses the issue with an error being thrown by dedicated servers that is preventing them from running.

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Sensor Lens Chips Meson Scanner This scanner allows you to view an AR projection of pipe and cable networks. The colors of cables and pipes will be correctly represented. This can be extremely useful when expanding bases with complex or hidden networks.

Celestial Scanner The celestial scanner allows you to view the location of all of the orbital bodies in the solar system, You can see the name and distance of each celestial body. Again, this is just for fun, however, it could help you while working with the newly added telescope.

Flare Gun

You can use this tool to fire flares high in... Read more

16 Jan

Mining Drills Pneumatic Mining Drill This new drill uses gas power for mining, instead of batteries like others. The drill's mining speed is a function of the pressure differential meaning it will slow down as you deplete it's gas canister.

This also means that you can effectively give it an upgrade by using the smart canister to gain a much higher pressure differential.

Mining Drill Power Usage All the electric mining drills' passive power usage was significantly dropped and the power used per ore mined has been removed and replaced by active power usage. The active power usage will consume power the entire time you hold down your mouse button to mine. This has resulted in some small miner balance changes but nothing that you should really notice, just don't run around holding down your miner!

Drill Heads We've added a... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

09 Jan

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
This hotfix addresses numerous atmospherics issues. There has been a wide range of atmosphere issues reported that all stemmed from the same issue. The most common, or at least the most noticeable, one was outside atmosphere contaminating rooms.

This will no longer happen but some saves may have devices with bugged atmospheres in them, this can be fixed by deconstructing the device completely and then rebuilding it.

18 Dec

This hotfix addresses further issues with a specific trader causing errors in multiplayer, as well as a number of other small fixes and improvements.

  • Fixed food trader causing checksum error. This is a temporary fix by removing a specific problematic trade.
  • Fixed error spam when editing prefabs if the GameManager not initialized. Have removed unused WorldGridController field on game manager which was being set when the world controller was initialized but never used.
  • Changed Plant growthState materials to be GPU instanced.
  • Fixed Plant planted at high altitudes would be offset inside the planter.
  • Fixed client list not being cleared when leaving a game as a client and starting a new single player game. This would cause pause to stop working in the menu as well as make the game prepare data to send to clients unnecessarily.
  • Fixed recipe search window layout breaking when changi...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

14 Dec

This hotfix addresses two main issues: the new world artifacts sometimes being present in the skybox, and a checksum error related to traders, but also includes a number of other small fixes.

  • Updated text on rocket info panels to be right aligned to make it consistent with other ui text in the game
  • Reverted Changes to combining stacks of reagent-mixes as this was causing floating point errors in some cases that could cause furnace recipes to stop working.
  • Changed moved reagent-mix Stacking changes to SpaceOre.cs. These still need to implement the new system as their contents add up to less than 1.
  • Changed DirtyOre mined from space that is processed in the recycler will waste half of its contents.
  • Changed the names of the space maps root nodes to be the 'planet orbit'
  • Added Back button on NewWorldMenu now clears all preview scenes
  • Fixed (dev) null reference wh...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

12 Dec

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
This updated contains changes to data and prefabs that will break some saves. Old rockets have also been removed and will no longer be present in your saves. We have created a branch that will be frozen pre this rocket update: prerocket
Rockets are often considered a final goal in Stationeers. However, instead of designing them as an end game necessity, we’ve instead treated them as another system that weaves itself into all the other systems of the game. Rockets support building stations, and stations support building rockets.

Previously, the rockets were simple yet unforgiving. It was hard to tell what was happening, unless you already knew everything about rockets. You functionally had to build the best rocket system from the start, else your rocket was likely to be lost. Lastly, the old rockets fl... Read more

26 Aug

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Rocket on Steam - Thread - Direct
Our developer friends at Geometa who make Stormworks just announced a SPACE DLC! Many on our team (including myself, perhaps especially myself even), love Stormworks and play it a lot. They're a great team and they understand the difficulties around working on games of this nature. Considering checking our their page for the DLC and giving them a wishlist! I will absolutely be trying this out when it launches on 13 October.

We don't have any affiliation with Geometa ... Read more

22 Aug

This hotfix addresses some issues with the new atmospheric mixing that was causing potential for infinite ices spawning in world atmospheres as well as atmospheres not equalizing correctly in some 2x1 rooms.

  • Fixed bug where clients could accidentally exit sleepers when leaving a game
  • Fixed a few visual issues with new bench cords
  • Fixed unable to attach appliances to some bench variants
  • Fixed Infinite Ice spawning in vacuums that could sometimes happen due to incorrect handling of NaN values when calculating mix ratios in MixInWorld.
  • Fixed PureIce SpawnContents and melt Temperature not being serialized.
  • Added IsValid check to spawngas.
  • Fixed issue where two isolated atmospheres could remain unbalanced.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

21 Aug

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Atmospheric Simulation Today we’re going to go into detail about the atmospheric simulation in Stationeers. We’ll give a short walkthrough about how we identify issues, think of solutions, test and iterate until we’ve solved problems or added new features. Specifically World Atmospheres, and how they move gas throughout the game, and especially how fast vacuums form.

Of the many complex systems Stationeers models, the atmospherics simulation is the most defining. Two times per second; pumps move gas, filters split compositions, pipes check for bursting, and much much more. A lot of the gas the player interacts with comes from the world, or ends being vented there. Unfortunately, the speed to pull a vacuum in world has always been one of the largest bottlenecks for Stationeers.

Table of times of original vacuum times
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