
Stationeers Dev Tracker

03 Nov

In The Farming Update we've made some big changes to how plants grow, adding new challenges and rewards. These changes include slowing down the growth time, a new genetics game loop, more nuanced environmental impacts on the plants, and the introduction of perennial plants. We wanted to achieve a feeling of involvement with farming and a sense of reward for being attentive and providing the right conditions for your plants.

This update has taken longer than normal but has laid the foundations for the next few updates that will build upon these game loops and you can expect to see more content around hydroponics and food.

Increased Growth Time
Base growth times have been increased for all plants, some significantly. While potatoes remain an easy single day staple food, others, such as the Tomato and Pumpkin plants have a bas... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

07 Oct

This week we’re bringing you a range of performance improvements and bug fixes.

Performance There are two main performance improvements we have made, one is a rendering improvement that means the main thread is spending less time waiting for rendering tasks to complete. The second is to do with the prioritization of our many threaded tasks. Threads that are running non time sensitive tasks have now been moved to a lower priority allowing other tasks to be processed faster and improving the overall performance.

With these two changes combined, most players should see a modest performance improvement while players running larger bases should see a significant improvement.


These changes were not more performant on dedicated servers so are not activated there.

Additionally we’ve added Legacy-CPU option to settings (not exposed in the main settings panel). This disables some multi-threading prio...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

21 Sep

  • Fixed Combustion Centrifuge still processing when not in final build state.
  • Fixed Exiting a ladder can sometimes damage suit or Helmet.
  • Fixed Centrifuge still operating when not in final buildState.
  • Improved error message for when start ConditionData is invalid.
  • Fixed Modifying a pipe network connected to a Medium Radiator could cause gas in the network to get deleted.
  • Fixed DeepMiner does not return item kit when deconstructed.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

20 Sep

The main focus this week is adding new mining mechanics which allows you to automate parts of late game mining. Along with the new miner we've reworked the centrifuge mechanic and added chute devices to give player chute networks far more utility.

This is the biggest update we've done in a while both in terms of new content as well as bug fixes and we're excited to be back in a place where we are able to push out updates like these!

Deep Miner

The Deep Miner is a device that you construct on the terrain surface and will drill to bedrock and start producing Dirty Ore. The Deep Miner will take some time to reach bedrock, depending on how deep it is, and will then produce approximately a stack of 10 Dirty Ore every 90 seconds.

Dirty Ore
Dirty Ores simply represent unprocessed pieces of unsorted ore... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

07 Sep

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
In this week's update, we've added two new sensors, iterated on the cryotube, made some adjustments to the sleepers, further simplification of settings, and updated Stationpedia Articles.

There are two new sensors to track the presence of players. you can use this information in your logic setups to trigger different events. You can filter which players trigger the sensors by configuring their access variables using the access controller cartridge. The sensors will then only be triggered by a player who holds the correct Access Card.

The Occupancy Sensor is triggered when 1 or more players are in the same room as the sensor.

The Proximity Sensor is triggered when 1 or more players are within the range of the sensor. The range is configurable using the knob or via the ‘Setting’ logic variable.

... Read more

02 Sep

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
  • Changed Reduced the amount of heat tank structures radiate by 50x. A tank now radiates heat in the same order of magnitude as a pipe network of the same volume.
  • Changed Reduced the amount of heat tanks convect by 2x.
  • Fixed Atmospherics Threads race condition that caused Thermal Radiation calculation to return incorrect results in certain scenarios. This caused a bug where Pipe atmospheres would sometimes rapidly radiate down to absolute zero (-273.1C) on the moon OR thermal radiation would stop working altogether. Thanks @Windsinger & @zkxs for helping us reproduce and solve this quickly.
  • Changed Atmospheres in vacuums can no longer radiate to 0DegreesK.
  • Fixed Hunger and Hydration not decreasing in single-player when not hosting.
  • Fixed CleanUpPlayers Command deleting yourself if not hosting.
  • Fixed LocalPlayer not showing up in scoreboard when in single-player.
... Read more

31 Aug

Thermodynamics The general speed of thermal transfer of atmospherics has been decreased, to allow players more time to experience the effects of heat moving throughout their stations. The internal atmospheres of devices and items now radiate energy down toward the planet's global atmosphere temperature. This effect is most pronounced in vacuum and is dampened when in a pressurized environment. Structures built into frames are also no longer fully insulated and will radiate heat down to the global atmosphere temperature.

We’ve listened to feedback and increased the Air Conditioner's operational temperature efficiency by roughly 20%(nearly doubling) around 600K-800K to allow it to work significantly better during the first stages of cooling the hot planets' atmospheres.

We’ve branched the radiator tech tree into Flat Pane... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

23 Aug

Fixed On bases with more than 1024 atmospheres servers could stop sending atmospherics updates to clients.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

22 Aug

As we adapt to our new weekly content cadence, you'll see that some new features get spread over multiple updates. This change in pace has some big benefits. It allows us to make smaller iterations, get feedback faster, spread out balancing, and end up with a more refined final outcome. At the same time we're still chipping away at a lot of bugs, but you'll see updates containing more content again soon.

You may have noticed that we didn't release a patch last week. It was getting too close to the weekend and we wouldn't have been available to publish any hotfixes. Therefore, this patch includes all those changes and has given us extra time to spend on some rather large work for the next patch.

While our target is weekly updates, we're keeping it flexible for moments like this.

Upgraded Atmospheric Machines Continuing with the theme of recent updates, this week we’ve focused on more atmospherics changes.
Firstly we’ve upgraded the Air Conditioner, Electr... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

10 Aug

    Rocket on Steam - Thread - Direct
It's been a hectic few months for us since our major refactor as we feel like we have finally been able to hit our old stride in the project. If you look back through our weekly updates you can see how spending that period to time to redo the project has paid huge dividends. We are now able to more robustly focus on the future of the game as well as add new content.

We've been a little slow at getting new content in over the last weeks, as we have been laser focused on fixing bugs - especially some very serious ones introduced (or highlighted) by our refactoring work. What really spurs us on is seeing all those amazing youtube videos of your content, the twitch streams, and the thoughts you share here and on discord.

Important fix for multiplayer Fixed not being able to join servers unless they were being advertised. We don't normally highlight bug fixes but this was affecting a significant number of people over the last few days. Th...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.